NOLA-musicians-4-Palestine / nm4p_website

New Orleans Musicians for Palestine website
GNU General Public License v3.0
0 stars 1 forks source link

layout: readme

Deployment Setup Instructions

To deploy this site from the live branch using the included action, click the Settings tab and the Pages section (or here) and ensure the Source is set to "Github Actions"

site structure and status


once the text and images are there I think we can publish it and make the other parts of the site "coming soon"

Plug In!


The community calendar,I was thinking cards scrolling horizontally? Flyers - forget supporting just text. you need a flyer.



thoughts on easily getting people's events listed here: we could make an instagram account and follow only members set notification settings to get emails when anyone posts it'd be someone's job to check the email daily and post the new stuff on the site maybe that could be automated?

Probably a better system would be to have an email go out to the contact we have on file for each org/band asking them to reply with their events and flyers

I made and made this event submission form (for the free storage) where people can upload their flyers and info

I'm hoping to automate the posting/reviewing process

Updates from the Community

design thoughts

the latest update from each org should be displayed (excerpt only) click to see full update.

then a list of all posts

Each org should have a page that is their first post and then a list of their other posts

Brass Band

Rep List

TODO: add lama bada?

Song Pages

Each song should have a page with


We should have naming convention for the chart files so that jekyll can automatically understand what part key and clef it is in order to make them available in the chart finder and the song pages. maybe:


I'm implementing songs as collections. so to add a song you add a md file to the _songs folder with the appropriate metadata, content can be used for context and arrangement notes I should make a custom layout (maybe child layout?) that has the different charts/files

Chart Pages

Chart finder: song v part v transposition v clef v


every page (in the footer)

website stuff

the git history is all fucked up. I only want to keep the live branch

Photos from Fatima