NON906 / fftools_lib

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Build Tool for FFmpeg for Unity (on Windows and Linux)


What are these?

Here is the code to build the plugin file used in FFmpeg for Unity. It's attached to that asset, so you don't usually need it.

How to build (Windows)

Both Windows and Linux (Ubuntu20.04 LTS) are required.
On Windows, "MSYS2 MinGW" is required, so please install it in advance.

  1. Run the following in THIS repository on Linux.
./ --build-ffmpeg-static=n --build-ffmpeg-shared=y --enable-gpl=n --ffmpeg-git-checkout-version=n5.1.3
  1. Clone this repository on Windows.

  2. Replace the files as below.

    • win/*.lib, win/*.dll -> File with the same name in sandbox/redist/ffmpeg-N-***-***-win64-shared.7z
    • win/include/config.h -> sandbox/win64/ffmpeg_git_lgpl_n5.1.1_shared/config.h
    • win/include/config_components.h -> sandbox/win64/ffmpeg_git_lgpl_n5.1.1_shared/config_components.h
  3. Edit win/include/config.h as follows.

    • #define HAVE_COMMANDLINETOARGVW 1 -> 0
  4. Run the following in "MSYS2 MinGW".

mkdir build
cd build
cmake .. -G "MSYS Makefiles"
  1. Replace the dll files from Assets/FfmpegUnity/Plugins/Windows/x64 of the Unity project to libffmpegDll.dll and file with the same name in sandbox/redist/ffmpeg-N-***-***-win64-shared.7z.