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In the Dark : French translation (beware spoil contained) #709

Closed Indoy closed 6 years ago

Indoy commented 6 years ago

@NicolaZee Hi, After translating your scenario in French, i've 2 questions before uploading the file.

Waiting for your replies! Great job, i can't wait to play your scenario ASAP Best Regards.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

With EventPaintingB.text the 2 clues are given at the end of the clue chain EventPaintingBMale\Female

Well spotted regarding TokenAllyD2.button3 and TokenAllyD2.button4 This is a bug. I will release Version 1.5 to fix this. Anything like this please post. These kinds of bugs are embarrassing!

In addition for Version 1.5 I am going to add text to EventOak.text to make it clearer to the player that 1 pass is sufficient to pass the test to climb the tree. For 5 investigators I'm considering making the test to climb the tree harder, by requiring 2 passes.

Indoy commented 6 years ago

@NicolaZee Hi, About EventPlaceOak.text, i'm testing In Game. When you discover the ancient oak, text speaks about a woman which hanged up and asking for John. But when i click on the research token it tells the woman has vanished. Then if you attempt and succeed to climb you find the rests of a woman with same description (EventOakPass.text). What's strange is that when you successively push 'Continue' it tells you look down and see once again the hanged woman (where as she's supposed to have vanished). She comes near you, you fall to the ground and then once again (EventPlaceBranch.text) you see her hanged et that event is linked to an other Research token.

Sorry it's long, but am i missing something in comprehension? Maybe there are 2 distincts women? I find the sequence strange.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

She's a ghost. It's meant to be disorientating, surreal and strange.

scrubbless commented 6 years ago

Anything like this please post. These kinds of bugs are embarrassing!

They are inevitable, you perfectionist! ;)

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Okay! =) i'm going to add some terms like 'yet again', 'again' , or 'anew' in my translations for a most psychohorrific situation !

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

I'm easy going. I'm not going to get upset if you enhance my text just as long as I know what the changes are. If a couple of 'again' and 'anew' work for you (and make the text clearer) then go for it! : )

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

I'm going to hold off releasing the next version until you've finished your testing in-game in case you find anything else. : )

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Cool, i'm around the middle of the scenio i think No, i did not changed a lot the text. As i did for others scenarios from scrubbless or Bruce, for instance, i try to be as closed as the original. But sometimes translations needs some adjustement for, as u say, better comprehension. And i know how some French people can be rude, and i would find it pityfull they misjudged the quality of your work because i made a bad translation...

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

So how goes it? Did you manage to get to the end or did my scenario - which I admit is very long - wear you down?

Indoy commented 6 years ago



In the end, i've found the white Druid et the friend of sylvia. I gave the dagger to the whitre druid, enchanted it and told me i'm ready to achieve the true rituel. On the stone, it tells me something's missing but i have nothing to do (neither token or Person actions)

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

•EventGraveStoneSearch.text : 'has being scratched by hand.\nBettina Beck\nMother you are not forgotten [...]' does mean that someone write over the name of Martha Beck (i suppose) to write Bettina Beck? Or the inscription has been completly rewritten and signed Bettina Beck?

The Dark Druid scratched by hand the words 'Mother you are not forgotten'.

•EventPlaceCaveTile.text, 2 Wall Token appear on the tile but no mention about them. Do I add these infos to earn some time? Or do you wish add it on an other line?

Good spot. I suspect that may have been laziness of my part! : ). I'll add these in version 1.5

In the end, i've found the white Druid et the friend of sylvia. I gave the dagger to the whitre druid, enchanted it and told me i'm ready to achieve the true rituel.

Well done. That's the hard bit!

On the stone, it tells me something's missing but i have nothing to do (neither token or Person actions)

OK I could just give you the spoiler but if you want to figure it out's a none too subtle clue... what do you know about the Beltane fire ritual?

Indoy commented 6 years ago

@NicolaZee Hi, thx for all your replies So , for

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

•EventAllyE2AboutCult1.text, [...] 'even as a child they were in trouble with the law' I have difficulties to understand. Who 'they' is refered to? sorry but you did not answered.

'Awhile ago Martha told me she was cleaning the place up. A relative had been in trouble with the law all their life and needed somewhere to stay. Martha refused to tell me more.'

The Dark Druid is the relative who moved into the log cabin and had been in trouble with the law all their life. The 'they' is a bit contrived but the text avoids gender because that would make solving the mystery too easy.

•TokenAllyD2.button3 and TokenAllyD2.button4, does it will change something for the translation. Do will have to change something?

The text of the buttons is wrong and needs to be as follows: TokenAllyD2.button1 {action} Is Ammi Pierce a Dark Druid? TokenAllyD2.button2 {action} Is Eric Colt a Dark Druid? TokenAllyD2.button3 {action} Is Othera Gilman a Dark Druid?

•And ok for your subtle clue, i catched it :p

I hope you enjoyed working it out! : )

Just a mention in case I've mislead you. As well as the ghost of the mother Bettina Beck hanging from the branch of the Oak Tree, there is also the body of Martha Beck thrown into the branches as an offering by the Dark Young. I hope this made sense as they both have flaming red hair.

'You discover the remains of a woman lying on top of a large branch sticking out to the right. Her body has been tossed onto the branch like a broken bleeding rag-doll. Her red hair is tied back by a headband of mistletoe and ivy.'

The clue is Martha has a headband of mistletoe and ivy.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

As you may have spotted by now my scenario has a number of twists and turns and red herrings. I was aiming for Agatha Christie Cthulhu! : )

You will be glad to know that as more people have played it, I have made it less convoluted and less of a brain ache. My first version gave my husband a headache and he loves solving mysteries! : )

Indoy commented 6 years ago

@NicolaZee Localization.French.txt Outch, ended... So tired Indeed i also translated all the text by carefully choosing word to be clear enough and respect the secret about eventual gender... However because of random event, it's quite impossible for me to test everything. But if i see anything later (when playing =D) i'll make some arrangments. Thx for all your help! I let you put my contribution in the file as a mark of approval Best regards!

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

You definitely deserve attribution. I am not surprised you are very tired. The story described by most scenario for Mansions can be written on the back of a postcard. I hope you agree this scenario is different! : )

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

I am going to make the following changes before releasing v1.5.

EventPlaceCaveTile.text I am going to replace 'et le(s) jeton(s) Mur comme indiqué. with 'Placez 2 jetons muraux' I'm too lazy at this late stage to add the code to indicate where the 2 wall tokens will be added. I figure players can work this out.

QSTALLYDSURNAME, Jones Space removed

QSTALLYCSURNAME, Gilman Space removed

quest.authors (Attribution) Added Traduit en français: Indoy

EventOak.text (Modified in v1.5 as a player did not realise 1 success passed the test) Ajoutez 2 dés supplémentaires si vous avez l'Objet Unique {c:QItemRope}. Changed to Ajoutez 1 dés supplémentaires si vous avez l'Objet Unique {c:QItemRope}. Un succès passera le test.

Would you prefer a different attribution or to be referred to by a different name?

Please review these changes before I roll out 1.5.

Once again great work on the translation. There is a lot of text and very little is flavour text. As one player has mentioned on BGG each clue is a CLUE. Which means getting almost every word right can be important for the mystery to be hard but solvable. With this much text and variation in how the game plays out (as Scrubbles has mentioned) mistakes are inevitable. It's like translating a Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective Scenario that has multiple pathways!

Hopefully the huge amount of work in understanding and translating my humble tale of horror has not put you off playing it! : )

Indoy commented 6 years ago


Hopefully the huge amount of work in understanding and translating my humble tale of horror has not put you off playing it! : )


NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

•EventPlaceCaveTile.text, I suggest to let : 'Placez 2 jetons Mur comme indiqué'. I'll do the changes. Because it's more related as it appaears in French rules Book of MoM, and that's also the way i choose to write those kind of informations about tokens. But your the owner and do as u wish =)

Fair enough - your mastery of languages is certainly better than mine as mine is non-existent! : ) But I don't won't to make any code changes to highlight the wall tokens at this late stage and the phrase 'as indicated' implies to me the app has (or is going to) highlight the wall tokens.

•EventOak.text,i don't understand the whole changing you've made, would you mind send me this entire line in english you've have changed?

Add 1 extra die if you have the {c:QItemRope} Item. The test is passed if you achieve 1 success or more.

The change was requested by Toni

Toni: 'I only found one mistake, which i don't know if it can be fixed or not, but I'll put it out there just in case. POSSIBLE SPOILERS AHEAD. When you find the old oak with the woman hanging on it, it gives you the option to climb the tree. When you choose this, you are given the option of doing an Observation or an Agility check, but there is no target number specified (e.g. Observation;2). We house ruled it that 2 successes are a pass, but maybe the designer had something else in mind.;' Toni was confused but I figure it is worth making the text more explicit.

Hopefully the huge amount of work in understanding and translating my humble tale of horror has not put you off playing it! : ) OF COURSE NOT!

Good news! I personally don't think solving the mystery is too hard but some people do.

Indoy commented 6 years ago


Here's Localization.French.txt

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Great work. I've incremented the version number to v1.5 quest.authors: I've added attribution.

I can't find the following text in the file: UIIntroContinue.uitext Look Around

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

•EventOak.text, okay !!! finally catched! sorry for my delayed understandung :p.

No need to apologise. I'm very impressed you managed to understand the story and completed it. So what did you think of the ending?

Indoy commented 6 years ago

UIIntroContinue.uitext Strange, i remember very well this line but i probably delete it unvolontary you can add: UIIntroContinue.uitext, Regarder autour de vous

Of course, French people may not hesitate to tell me some enhancement and correction if they find anything // Et bien sûr les Français qui jouent le scénario peuvent me dire les erreurs qu'ils ont vu, afin que je puisse les corriger!

Helas i closed the app after trying and before i asked u 'some spoils' :p I'll tell you on my next try!

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

No problem. I'll add the line back in and release version 1.5 It might have been removed by Valkyrie. The save can occasionally be a bit erratic but I've not detected when it decides not to save! : )

Hopefully the next time you play you will be able to sit back and enjoy the story as it enfolds. A couple of people (including my husband) have mentioned they enjoyed the scenario more the second time they played it.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Version 1.5 released.

I'm impressed by how busy the French speaking designers have been on creating scenarios. There seems to me to be a lot more scenarios available when the default language is set to French! : )

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Indeed, i spend a lot of time... that i have ... so i take the time !

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

I'm going to add some Custom Mythos Events. Please can you translate the following into French?

EventStone1SearchDone.text: \nOnce the humming sound has died done, you briefly hear shouting coming from the South.\n EventMythosTransformText.text,\nYou feel your body start to transform.\nYou feel compelled to run deep into the dark forest.\n\nAll Investigators suffer 1 Damage ({strength} negates)\n\nAll Investigators on an Outdoor space move 1 space East.\n EventMythosFirstRound.button1,Continue EventMythosFirstRound.text,\nFrom the East comes the sound of a whip-poor-will bird crying out as something huge moves through woods.\nNo Effect.\n

Thanks in advance Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago


Hi, sure =)

EventStone1SearchDone.text,\nÀ mesure que le bourdonnement s'atténue, vous entendez brièvement des cris provenant du Sud.\n EventMythosTransformText.text,\nVous sentez votre corps se transformer.\nVous vous sentez contraint de courir au plus profond de la sombre forêt.\n\nTous les investigateurs subissent 1 Dégât ({strength} annule)\n\nTous les investigateurs sur une case en extérieur se déplacent d'1 case vers l'Est.\n EventMythosFirstRound.button1,Continuer EventMythosFirstRound.text,\nA l'Est, les piaillements obsédants d'un Engoulevent bois-pourri s'intensifient à mesure qu'une chose énorme avance dans les bois.\nPas d'effet.\n


NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

I'm always impressed by your dedication and how quickly you get things done!


NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Please can you translate the following? Hopefully this should be all for awhile.

You are not my kin!\nWhoever you are, if you truly serve the Black Goat, give me the sigil!\nA suitable vessel is ready and soon my child will bring me my dagger so I may live again!\n

You are not my kin!\nWhoever you are, if you truly serve the Black Goat, find me my dagger!\nAn interloper has stolen it.\nA suitable vessel is ready but I need my dagger so I may live again!\n

Hovering above Bettina's hand is a dagger which shimmers as it phases in and out of human reality.\n

Thanks in advance Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago



NicolaZee commented 6 years ago


Version 1.6 will be released early next week.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

I've added yet another hint to a clue as people (other than the people I know) just don't seem to get a handle on the story at all!

Please can you translate the following?

'Only a Druid of great power and lore can wield the power of the sigil and dagger!'

Indoy commented 6 years ago


Seul un Druide au grand pouvoir et solidement ancré dans les traditions peut user de la puissance du Sigil et de la dague!

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the quick response!

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Please can you translate the following?

"She is older than she seems. In her childhood she learnt how to call upon the power of the Black Goat to unnaturally prolong her life."

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Elle est plus vieille qu'elle n'y paraît. Durant son enfance elle est parvenue à invoquer le pouvoir de la Chèvre Noire pour artificiellement prolonger son existence.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I'm dumbing down the mystery a bit as nobody on BGG seems to be able to solve it!

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Please can you translate the following?

"I remember another thing about the ritual.\nOne of the Druids standing further back was Ammi Pierce."

"I'd keep an eye on {qst:QSTALLYCNAME}.\nLocals fear her!\nShe has a reputation as a powerful witch!\nShe even boasts about it!\nShe may have the knowledge to cast powerful spells."

"I'd keep an eye on {qst:QSTALLYDNAME}.\nLocals fear her!\nShe has a reputation for knowing arcane and powerful secrets!\nShe may have the knowledge to cast powerful spells."


Indoy commented 6 years ago

Hi! "Je me souviens d'autre chose à propos du rituel.\nL'un des Druides qui se tenaient en retrait était Ammi Pierce."

"À votre place je garderais un œil sur {qst:QSTALLYCNAME}.\nLes gens du coin la craignent!\nElle a la réputation d'être une grande sorcière!\nEt elle s'en vante même!\nElle pourrait avoir les connaissances requises pour lancer de puissants sortilèges."

"À votre place je garderais un œil sur {qst:QSTALLYDNAME}.\nLes gens du coin la craignent!Elle a la réputation de connaître de puissants et sombres secrets!\nElle pourrait avoir les connaissances requises pour lancer de terribles sortilèges."

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Please can you translate the following?

'The painter clearly knows the runes.'

When I described what I was doing my husband said, "Don't they like to figure out things for themselves on BGG!"

Thanks Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago

Le peintre connait clairement les runes.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Thanks! I think I'm done.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

I've just completed a playtest and it is easy to forget about the Beltane ritual. The scenario can be brutal! : ) Please can you translate the following.

"You desperately try to remember what you have learnt about the Beltane ritual."

Thanks Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago


"Vous essayez désespéramment de vous souvenir ce que vous avez appris sur le rituel de Beltaine."

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Sorry yet another one!

[EventAllyE2AboutCult1] This morning I met Pete here. He told me the group was likely to split up because two of the Druids were concerned a powerful Dark Druid had infiltrated the order! Pete told me the Dark Druid not only exists but is training up one of the other Druids to become an acolyte of the Black Goat.

Thanks Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago

[EventAllyE2AboutCult1] J'ai rencontré Pete ici, ce matin. Il m'a raconté que le groupe était au bord de l'implosion car deux Druides s'inquiétaient qu'un puissant Druide Noir ait réussi à intégré l'Ordre! Pete m'a dit que, non seulement le Druide Noir existait, mais qu'il convertissait également l'un des autres Druides pour devenir un acolyte de la Chèvre Noire.

NicolaZee commented 6 years ago


NicolaZee commented 6 years ago

Hello Indoy

Thanks for all your hard work on translating scenarios. Version 1.6 is now available with several changes. Please can you download it sometime and give it a sanity check? I've cut and pasted in your translations but it probably is a good idea to check I've not made any obvious mistakes in French! : )

Thanks again Nicola

Indoy commented 6 years ago

I'll do it ! =)