NPTfisheries / dfrm_website

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Department of Fisheries Resources Management Website

The website is built in a multi-container Dockerized application with an Angular front-end and a Python Django Backend connecting to a PostgreSQL database. The instructions below will allow you to install a local version and run the website on local host.

  1. The website runs inside three docker containers: 1) dfrm_fe, 2) dfrm_be, and 3) postgres. To use docker you must first download Docker Desktop from

  2. Download PostgreSQL from

  3. Clone the dfrm_website repository to your computer. The command below will also intialize and update the dfrm_be and dfrm_fe submodules upon initial clone:

    1. git clone --recurse-submodules
  4. Create and save two .env files.

    • Place the first .env file in the root directory (i.e., dfrm_website folder). It must contain the following three lines that will initialize a PostgreSQL database in a container.
      • POSTGRES_DB=
    • The second .env file is placed in the ./dfrm_be/website/ directory. It must contain the following lines.
      • SECRET_KEY=
      • DEBUG=True
      • MODE = Dev
  5. Open the terminal and run: > docker compose up --build -d (In prod you must reference the correct compose.yml file: docker compose -f up --build -d)

    1. The application should now be up and running. Note: you will need to have Docker Desktop running.
    2. Client/frontend access: localhost:4200
    3. Server/backend access: localhost:8000/dfrm-admin
    4. Test an API: localhost:8000/api/v1/project/
  6. The PostgreSQL database should population automatically with the dump file contained within the GitHub repository. Below are some helpful items:

    1. The dump file should be restored using: pg_dump -U postgres -d dfrm_be -Fp -f backupname.sql

    2. To activate Bash in the postgres container: > docker exec -it postgres /bin/bash

      1. You can access and interact via psql within the container.

      2. Use Ctrl+D to navigate out of psql/bash and back to the root directory in the terminal.

  7. Shut down the containers with: > docker compose down (In prod you must reference the correct compose.yml file: docker compose -f down)