NREL / htem-api-examples

Examples of usage of the HTEM DB API
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HTEM DB API Example Notebooks

This GitHub repository is created for use on the NREL High-Throughput Experimental Materials Database ( API. While the website offers a number of visualization tools for various types of materials tests, an advanced user may desire a more hands-on approach. This repository offers a number of Jupyter notebooks that interact directly with the API in order to demonstrate API functionality and more advanced statistical analysis and graphical visualization. The Jupyter notebooks allow one to read and digest blocks of code while learning more about how various statistical techniques may be applied to this dataset. This repository is currently broken into several Python files and then five Jupyter Notebooks. They are:

Helper Libraries

Example Notebooks

How to Use

To get started, download Anaconda or another distribution of Python. Make sure that pandas, numpy, and scipy are all included in the distribution. One can then clone the repository using the command:

git clone
cd htem-api-examples

The updated repository should then be available.

Finally, you can use Jupyter Notebook to view the example notebooks. First, navigate to the directory, then enter:

cd notebooks
jupyter notebook


This software was developed by Marcus Schwarting ( and Caleb Phillips ( to support the Research Data Initiative and High Throughput Experimental Materials Database (HTEM DB) at the National Rewnable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado, USA.


Copyright (c) 2017, National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL) All rights reserved. See LICENSE for additional information.