A prototype of Shared-keywords aware Taint Checking, a novel static analysis approach that tracks the data flow of the user input between front-end and back-end to precisely detect security vulnerabilities.
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别最后写你测出多少多少漏洞,你能实际用你的工具测试一下,写出过程吗?假大空! #12

Closed iot-firmeware closed 2 years ago

bob777sjtu commented 2 years ago

详细测试过程可以参考其他厂商的报告: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/DIaWUyLRuUXeaNr6NRPncA https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/zHiBVe-1hVM-llC7S2ws4w 我们不可能把每个固件的测试过程都罗列到这里,有任何问题欢迎沟通!