A prototype of Shared-keywords aware Taint Checking, a novel static analysis approach that tracks the data flow of the user input between front-end and back-end to precisely detect security vulnerabilities.
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A prototype of Shared-keywords aware Taint Checking(SaTC), a static analysis method that tracks user input between front-end and back-end for vulnerability discovery effectively and efficiently.

Overview of SaTC

Research paper

We present our approach in the following research paper accepted at the 30th USENIX Security Symposium:

Sharing More and Checking Less: Leveraging Common Input Keywords to Detect Bugs in Embedded Systems [PDF]

Running Environment

We provide a usable Docker environment and a Dockerfile that can be used to build Docker images.

Use the compiled docker environment directly

# Get image from Docker hub 
docker pull smile0304/satc

# Run SaTC (Need to add mapping directory by yourself)
docker run -v <mapping>:<mapping> -it smile0304/satc

Or build it by dockerfile

# Cd SaTC code directory
cd SaTC

# Use Dockerfile to build docker image
docker build . -t satc

# Run SaTC (Need to add mapping directory by yourself)
docker run -v <mapping>:<mapping> -it satc

Instructions for running this tool

Usage: satc.py [-h] -d /root/path/_ac18.extracted -o /root/output
               [--ghidra_script {ref2sink_cmdi,ref2sink_bof,share2sink,ref2share,all}]
               [--save_ghidra_project] --taint_check
               [-b /var/ac18/bin/httpd | -l 3]

  -h, --help            Show help in details
  -d /root/path/_ac18.extracted, --directory /root/path/_ac18.extracted
                        File system uncompressed from firmware
  -o /root/output, --output /root/output
                        Directory result saved
  --ghidra_script {ref2sink_cmdi,ref2sink_bof,share2sink,ref2share,all}
                        (Option) Specify the Ghidra script to be used. If you use the `all` command, the three scripts `ref2sink_cmdi`,`ref2sink_bof` and `ref2share` will be run at the same time
  --ref2share_result /root/path/ref2share_result 
                        (Option) When running the `share2sink` Ghidra script, you need to use this parameter to specify the output result of the `ref2share` script
  --save_ghidra_project (Option) Save the ghidra project generated during analysis
  --taint_check         (Option) Use taint analysis engine for analysis
  -b /var/ac18/bin/httpd, --bin /var/ac18/bin/httpd  OR `-b httpd` , `--bin httpd`    
                        (Option) Used to specify the program to be analyzed, if not specified, SaTC will leverage the built-in algorithm to match targeted bin
  -l num, --len num     (Option) To set the top N programs to be defined as the border bins in our matching results[Default value is 3]

Ghidra script


Directory structure:

|-- ghidra_extract_result
|   |-- httpd
|       |-- httpd
|       |-- httpd_ref2sink_bof.result
|       |-- httpd_ref2sink_cmdi.result
|       |-- httpd_ref2sink_cmdi.result-alter2
|-- keyword_extract_result
|   |-- detail
|   |   |-- API_detail.result
|   |   |-- API_remove_detail.result
|   |   |-- api_split.result
|   |   |-- Clustering_result_v2.result
|   |   |-- File_detail.result
|   |   |-- from_bin_add_para.result
|   |   |-- Not_Analysise_JS_File.result
|   |   |-- Prar_detail.result
|   |   |-- Prar_remove_detail.result
|   |-- info.txt
|   |-- simple
|       |-- API_simple.result
|       |-- Prar_simple.result
|-- result-httpd-ref2sink_cmdi-ctW8.txt

Need to follow such important directories:

Other directories:

|-- ghidra_extract_result # ghidra looks for the analysis results of the function call path, enabling the `--ghidra_script` option will output the directory
|   |-- httpd # Each bin analyzed will generate a folder with the same name
|       |-- httpd # Bin being analyzed
|       |-- httpd_ref2sink_bof.result # Locate BoF sink function path
|       |-- httpd_ref2sink_cmdi.result # Locate CmdI sink function path
|-- keyword_extract_result  # Keyword extraction results
|   |-- detail  # Front-end keyword extraction results (detailed analysis results)
|   |   |-- API_detail.result # Detailed results of the extracted API
|   |   |-- API_remove_detail.result # API information filtered out
|   |   |-- api_split.result  # Matching API results
|   |   |-- Clustering_result_v2.result # Detailed matching results 
|   |   |-- File_detail.result  # Keywords extracted from each file
|   |   |-- from_bin_add_para.result # Share-keywords generated during binary matching
|   |   |-- Not_Analysise_JS_File.result #Igored JS files by common lib matching
|   |   |-- Prar_detail.result # Detailed results of extracted Prarmeters
|   |   |-- Prar_remove_detail.result # Detailed results of filtered Prarmeters
|   |-- info.txt  # Record processing time and other information
|-- result-httpd-ref2sink_cmdi-ctW8.txt # a typical result file that enable `--taint-check` and `--ghidra_script` options

Our dataset

You should download dataset from SaTC_dateset.zip.

Case Study

  1. To discover command injection and buffer overflow bugs in D-Link 878

    python satc.py -d /home/satc/dlink_878 -o /home/satc/res --ghidra_script=ref2sink_cmdi --ghidra_script=ref2sink_bof --taint_check
  2. To discover command injection bugs in specific target prog.cgi of D-Link 878

    python satc.py -d /home/satc/dlink_878 -o /home/satc/res --ghidra_script=ref2sink_cmdi -b prog.cgi --taint_check
  3. To discover command injection bugs in multi-bin of D-Link 878, setting input data in prog.cgi and sink functions in rc

    python satc.py -d /home/satc/dlink_878 -o /home/satc/res --ghidra_script=ref2share -b prog.cgi

python satc.py -d /home/satc/dlink_878 -o /home/satc/res --ghidra_script=share2sink --ref2share_result=/home/satc/res/ghidra_extract_result/prog.cgi/prog.cgi_ref2share.result --ghidra_script=ref2sink_cmdi -b rc --taint_check

#### Real-world Vulnerabilities

As shown below, SaTC detected 33 previously unknown bugs, and at the time of paper writing, 30 of them have been confirmed by their developers. 25 bugs are command injection vulnerabilities; two of them are buffer overflow bugs; the other six belong to incorrect access control which could result in privacy disclosure. 

<img src="https://github.com/NSSL-SJTU/SaTC/raw/py2_env/img/vuls.jpg" width="60%">