NSSatIITM / nss2k14

A new nss website. afresh.
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A new nss website. afresh.

Setup :

Folder structure 0 - apps - has basic written (by us) apps used by django site 0 - configs - has configurations, requirements etc 0 - files - has static, media and other files 0 - misc - has random stuff which you dont know where to put or global stuff which is needed everywhere 0 - tasks - has async tasks that we may use 0 - templates - has html templates 0 - venv - the virtualenv that you shouldve set uo (if you wanna ...)

Setup the machine To setup the machine, you first need to create a virtualenv : 0 - Install virtualenv with : "sudo apt-get install virtualenv" 0 - Now, go intot he nss2k14 django project folder and run "virtualenv --no-site-packages venv" 0 - Now, python shouldve installed in the new folder "venv" 0 - To activate the virtualenv, run "source venv/bin/activate" 0 - To check if the virtualenv is being used run "which python" the path should be inside the venv 0 - Awesome ! now you have a venv running ! Now, you need to install django and other required dependencies 0 - The configs/requirements.txt file should have a list of all python deps with versions check it out ! 0 - Run "pip install -r configs/requirements.txt" to execute the recursive install feature in pip to install all deps :) 0 - Thats it ! You now can finish up with local setup and run the website !

Local setup On local, simply copy the configs/settings-sample.py file to configs/settings.py and change database settings. This should get you a good running environment !

Server setup On server, the settings file resides at configs/settings.py This is done to avoid confusion and the wsgi file automatically searched for the venv folder. It will cause errors if no such virtualenv exists !