Note: this repository is currently unmaintained and unsupported
gr-ltetrigger is a set of utilities for sensing LTE. It is built using GNU Radio and srsLTE.
.. image:: docs/gr_ltetrigger_rtlsdr_demo.png :alt: GRC example showing LTE downlink parameters using RTL-SDR :align: center
.. image:: docs/gr_ltetrigger_snr_demo.png :alt: GRC example showing cell detection algorithm performance by SNR :align: center
assumes Ubuntu 16.04, adjust as needed)
.. code:: bash
$ sudo apt install gnuradio-dev swig fftw-dev gr-osmosdr libuhd-dev
a command for Ubuntu.
requirement of GNU Radio (log4cpp), which we must fix before building:
.. code:: bash
$ git clone
$ cd srslte
$ git checkout tags/release_18_06_1 # newer releases may work
$ grep -R -l " DEBUG(" . |xargs sed -i 's/ DEBUG(/ DEBUG_(/g'
$ grep -R -l " ERROR(" . |xargs sed -i 's/ ERROR(/ ERROR_(/g'
$ find -name ue_cell_search.c |xargs sed -i 's/DEBUG/DEBUG_/g'
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make && make test
$ sudo make install
.. code:: bash
$ git clone
$ cd gr-ltetrigger
$ mkdir build; cd build
$ cmake ../
$ make && make test
$ sudo make install
$ sudo ldconfig
.. code:: bash
$ cd gr-ltetrigger/examples
$ ./ --help
linux; GNU C++ version 5.3.1 20160413; Boost_105800; UHD_003.010.git-202-g9e0861e1
usage: [-h] -s Hz [-f Hz] [--repeat] [-c N]
[--throttle Hz] [--time-out sec]
[--threshold THRESHOLD]
positional arguments:
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-s Hz, --sample-rate Hz
input data's sample rate [Required]
-f Hz, --frequency Hz
input data's center frequency
--repeat loop file until cell found or cut-off reached
-c N, --cut-off N stop looping after N samples [default=-1]
--throttle Hz throttle file source to lower CPU load [default=None]
--time-out sec max time in seconds to perform search [default=-1]
--threshold THRESHOLD
set peak to side-lobe ratio threshold [default=4]
$ ./ --sample-rate 15.36M ../test_frames/lte_frame_50prb_cellid_125 --repeat --time-out 1
linux; GNU C++ version 5.3.1 20160413; Boost_105800; UHD_003.010.git-202-g9e0861e1
Using Volk machine: avx2_64_mmx
Starting cell search... done.
{'cell_id': 125L,
'cp_len': 'Normal ',
'nof_phich_resources': '1',
'nof_prb': 50L,
'nof_tx_ports': 1L,
'phich_len': 'Normal',
'sfn_offset': 0L,
'tracking_start_time': 1464123775L}
Douglas Anderson | NTIA/Institute for Telecommunication Sciences |