NUST-Machine-Intelligence-Laboratory / Anti-Collapse-Loss

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Anti-Collapse Loss for Deep Metric Learning Based on Coding Rate Metric

This repository contains the official PyTorch implementation of the paper:Anti-Collapse Loss for Deep Metric Learning Based on Coding Rate Metric


Our work introduces a novel solution called "Anti-Collapse Loss" to address the issue of embedding space collapse in deep metric learning. This method aims to preserve the structure of the embedding space, prevent feature collapse, and draws inspiration from coding rate principles. We integrate this loss with existing methods, leading to significant improvements in image retrieval performance on benchmark datasets. Comprehensive experiments and detailed analyses validate the effectiveness of this approach in preventing collapse and enhancing generalization performance. This repository contains datasets and source code to show the performance of our paper Anti-Collapse (AntiCo) Loss for Deep Metric Learning Based on Coding Rate Metric

Algorithm Flow

Algorithm Flow


conda create -y -n antico python=3.7 (version>=3.5)
source activate antico
conda activate myenv
pip install -r requirements.txt

How to use

The code is currently tested only on GPU.