NVE / varsomdata

Repository contains methods and modules for accessing api's for regObs, The forecasting-api and The chart server which provides charts to seNorge and xGeo. All these products are a part of the Varsom-family; products used in forecasting at NVE.
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Here methods and modules for analysing data in regObs (observations) and Varsom (forecasts). Core functions can be used for accessing api's for regObs, the forecasting-api and the chartserver/gts which provides charts to seNorge and xGeo.

All the modules should be viewed as a work in progress. This repository is developed as the need for data is encountered.

This said, lots of this works fine and all of it gives insight in how to read the api's we have in Varsom.

Varsomdata - Core files:
getdangers.py: Contains classes and methods for retrieving avalanche danger regardless source (regObs or forecastAPI or version/year the data is from.)
getforecastapi.py: Contains methods for accessing data on the forecast api.
getkdvelements.py: Contains methods for accessing KDV-elements used in regObs. In regObs, xKDV elements contain the link between an element ID and its name and description. This is also the contents of dropdown choices in regObs. It is useful to have a local copy of these tables.
getmisc.py: Probably the most fun methods are here. They access different parts som the apis for small tasks. Here is a method for mapping old observations to the regions used when they were submitted and here is a method for retriving info on trips submitted.
getobservations.py: Contains classes and methods for accessing all on the regObs OData api.
getproblems.py: Contains classes and methods for retrieving avalanche problems regardless source (regObs or forecastAPI or version/year the data is from.)
getregobs.py: Contains methods for accessing avalanche problems on the regObs OData api (sub module of getproblems.py)
getvarsompickles.py: Contains methods for retrieving large data sets and adding them to local storage. If locally stored data exists and files are newer that a given max datetime limit, these files are used to return data. Else, new requests are made. varsomclasses.py: All classes of varsomdata. Well, not all. regObs classes are found in getobservations.py and some very special custom fits are found un getmisc.py.

getaps.py: Code testing requests to the Avalanche Problem Solver (APS).
getgts.py: Code testing requests to the grid time series application (GTS).
makedatabase.py: Ive been testing how to make database tables of the observation classes. This module investigates how sqlalchemy might work for this.
postobservations.py: Code testing data posting to the regObs api.

fencoding.py: Handles removing and adding of norwegian letters. In general æ, ø and å are removed from data on retrieval from the api's and added when plotted or written to file.
makelogs.py: Throughout the repository this module is used for creating log files.
makepickle.py: Handles pickling and unpickling for storing data.
readfile.py: When a read method is generic and can be utilized across modules, the method is placed here.

Configuration files as .json.

Configuration- or other files used in running scripts.

avalancheactivity.py: Plots observed avalanche activity (including signs and single avalanches obs) against forecasted danger level.
countstuff.py: Methods and analysis of observations as a whole. Looks mostly on when, where and who of observations over year(s).
dangerlevelsandproblems.py: Requests all forecasts (danger levels and problems) from the forecast api and writes to .csv file or plot.
landslideforecasts.py: Methods for retrieving and saving landslide forecasts.
localstorage: Folder holding part of a calculation or data set. Eg, requesting data may take time, so a .pickle of the data set may be stored locally while working on the analysis.
mainmessages.py: Finds all main messages used in the forecasts and counts occurrences and tags danger levels, avalanche problems, avalanche types etc used in the forecasts when the main message was used.
output: Folder for saving plots and data files made by the different modules.
plotdangerandproblem.py: The code for downloading and making the plots on ragnar.pythonanywhere.com/dangerandproblem/
plotcalendardata.py: The code for downloading and making the plots on ragnar.pythonanywhere.com/observerdata/
regobsstatistics.py: Seasonal plots over data in regObs. Eg observations pr day, annual sum etc./
setenvironment.py: Contains environment variables such as api versions and folder-paths.