A project demonstrating how to use CUDA-PointPillars to deal with cloud points data from lidar.
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No matching distributions found for torch==1.10.0+cu113 #119

Open borissedlak opened 1 month ago

borissedlak commented 1 month ago

On my Jetson Orin NX with Jetpack 6.0 and cuda 12.2 I get No matching distributions found for torch==1.10.0+cu113 when executing the Dockerfile, while this is still in the container I assume that my system environment does not have any impact yet. How to resolve that?

kivanctezoren commented 1 week ago

I encountered the same issue at first, probably the error is because pip cannot find binaries compiled for Orin's architecture. My guess is that the Docker image is not supposed to be installed on the Orin, but on a usual x86 machine. Then you use that image to export a model to .onnx, transfer it to Orin, and later execute this part on Orin to build the program. You can pass the desired .onnx in build_trt_engine.sh.