A project demonstrating how to use CUDA-PointPillars to deal with cloud points data from lidar.
Apache License 2.0
526 stars 155 forks source link

PointPillars Inference with TensorRT

This repository contains sources and model for pointpillars inference using TensorRT.

Overall inference has below phases:


Prepare Model && Data

We provide a Dockerfile to ease environment setup. Please execute the following command to build the docker image after nvidia-docker installation:

cd docker && docker build . -t pointpillar

We can then run the docker with the following command:

nvidia-docker run --rm -ti -v /home/$USER/:/home/$USER/ --net=host --rm pointpillar:latest

For model exporting, please run the following command to clone pcdet repo and install custom CUDA extensions:

git clone https://github.com/open-mmlab/OpenPCDet.git
cd OpenPCDet && git checkout 846cf3e && python3 setup.py develop

Download PTM to ckpts/, then use below command to export ONNX model:

python3 tool/export_onnx.py --ckpt ckpts/pointpillar_7728.pth --out_dir model

Use below command to evaluate on kitti dataset, follow Evaluation on Kitti to get more detail for dataset preparation.

sh tool/evaluate_kitti_val.sh

Setup Runtime Environment

Compile && Run

sudo apt-get install git-lfs && git lfs install
git clone https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/CUDA-PointPillars.git
cd CUDA-PointPillars && . tool/environment.sh
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. && make -j$(nproc)
cd ../ && sh tool/build_trt_engine.sh
cd build && ./pointpillar ../data/ ../data/ --timer

FP16 Performance && Metrics

Average perf in FP16 on the training set(7481 instances) of KITTI dataset.

| Function(unit:ms) | Orin   |
| ----------------- | ------ |
| Voxelization      | 0.18   |
| Backbone & Head   | 4.87   |
| Decoder & NMS     | 1.79   |
| Overall           | 6.84   |

3D moderate metrics on the validation set(3769 instances) of KITTI dataset.

|                   | Car@R11 | Pedestrian@R11 | Cyclist@R11  | 
| ----------------- | --------| -------------- | ------------ |
| CUDA-PointPillars | 77.00   | 52.50          | 62.26        |
| OpenPCDet         | 77.28   | 52.29          | 62.68        |

