NVIDIA-AI-IOT / Lidar_AI_Solution

A project demonstrating Lidar related AI solutions, including three GPU accelerated Lidar/camera DL networks (PointPillars, CenterPoint, BEVFusion) and the related libs (cuPCL, 3D SparseConvolution, YUV2RGB, cuOSD,).
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Lidar AI Solution

This is a highly optimized solution for self-driving 3D-lidar repository. It does a great job of speeding up sparse convolution/CenterPoint/BEVFusion/OSD/Conversion.


Pipeline overview



$ git clone --recursive https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/Lidar_AI_Solution
$ cd Lidar_AI_Solution

3D Sparse Convolution

A tiny inference engine for 3d sparse convolutional networks using int8/fp16.


CUDA & TensorRT solution for BEVFusion inference, including:

CUDA CenterPoint

CUDA & TensorRT solution for CenterPoint inference, including:

CUDA PointPillars

CUDA & TensorRT solution for pointpillars inference, including:


Training and inference solutions for V2XFusion.

cuOSD(CUDA On-Screen Display Library)

Draw all elements using a single CUDA kernel.

cuPCL(CUDA Point Cloud Library)

Provide several GPU accelerated Point Cloud operations with high accuracy and high performance at the same time: cuICP, cuFilter, cuSegmentation, cuOctree, cuCluster, cuNDT, Voxelization(incoming).

YUVToRGB(CUDA Conversion)

YUV to RGB conversion. Combine Resize/Padding/Conversion/Normalization into a single kernel function.


This project makes use of a number of awesome open source libraries, including:

Many thanks to the authors of these brilliant projects!