NVIDIA-AI-IOT / ros2_tao_pointpillars

ROS2 node for 3D object detection using TAO-PointPillars.
Apache License 2.0
70 stars 22 forks source link

ROS2 node for TAO-PointPillars

This is a ROS2 node for 3D object detection in point clouds using TAO-PointPillars for inference with TensorRT.

Node details:


Tested on Ubuntu 20.04 and ROS2 Foxy.


  1. This project assumes that you have already trained your model using NVIDIA TAO Toolkit and have an .etlt file. If not, please refer here for information on how to do this. The pre-trained PointPillars model used by this project can be found here.
  2. Use tao-converter to generate a TensorRT engine from your model. For instance:
    tao-converter  -k $KEY  \
               -e $USER_DIR/trt.engine \
               -p points,1x204800x4,1x204800x4,1x204800x4 \
               -p num_points,1,1,1 \
               -t fp16 \
Argument definitions:
- -k: User-specific encoding key to save or load an etlt model.
- -e: Location where you want to store the resulting TensorRT engine.
- -p points: (N x P x 4), where N is the batch size, P is the maximum number of points in a point cloud file, 4 is the number of features per point.
- -p num_points: (N,), where N is the batch size as above.
- -t: Desired engine data type. The options are fp32 or fp16 (default value is fp32). 

3. Source your ROS2 environment:
`source /opt/ros/foxy/setup.bash`
4. Create a ROS2 workspace (more information can be found [here](https://docs.ros.org/en/foxy/Tutorials/Beginner-Client-Libraries/Creating-A-Workspace/Creating-A-Workspace.html)):

mkdir -p pointpillars_ws/src cd pointpillars_ws/src

Clone this repository in `pointpillars_ws/src`. The directory structure should look like this:

. +- pointpillars_ws +- src +- CMakeLists.txt +- package.xml +- include +- launch +- src

5. Resolve missing dependencies by running the following command from `pointpillars_ws`:

`rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro foxy -y`

6. Specify parameters including the path to your TensorRT engine in the launch file. Please see [Modifying parameters in the launch file](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/ros2_tao_pointpillars#modifying-parameters-in-the-launch-file) below for how to do this.

7. Build and source the package files:

colcon build --packages-select pp_infer . install/setup.bash

8. Run the node using the launch file:
`ros2 launch pp_infer pp_infer_launch.py`
9. Make sure data is being published on the **/point_cloud** topic. If your point cloud data is being published on a different topic name, you can remap it to **/point_cloud** (please see [Modifying parameters in the launch file](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/ros2_tao_pointpillars#modifying-parameters-in-the-launch-file) below). For good performance, point cloud input data should be from the same lidar and configuration that was used for training the model.
10. Inference results will be published on the **/bbox** topic as Detection3DArray messages. Each Detection3DArray message has the following information:
- header: The time stamp and frame id following [this](http://docs.ros.org/en/lunar/api/std_msgs/html/msg/Header.html) format.
- detections: List of detected objects with following information for each:
   - class ID 
   - score
   - X, Y and Z coordinates of object bounding box center
   - length, width and height of bounding box
   - yaw (orientation) of bounding box in 3D Euclidean space

The resulting bounding box coordinates follow the coordinate system below with origin at the center of lidar:

<p align="center" width="100%">
<img src="https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/ros2_tao_pointpillars/raw/main/images/coordinate_system.PNG"  height="50%" width="50%">

## Modifying parameters in the launch file
Parameters such as the engine path and detection threshold can be specified in the launch file `pp_infer_launch.py` under the `launch` folder. Below is a description of each parameter:
- nms_iou_thresh: NMS IOU threshold.
- pre_nms_top_n: Top `n` boxes to use for NMS.
- class_names: List of object classes detected by the model.
- model_path: Path to PointPillars model (not required if TensorRT engine is specified in engine_path below).
- engine_path: Path to TensorRT engine generated using tao-converter.
- data_type: Data type (fp32 or fp16).
- intensity_scale: Float specifying scale factor for dividing intensity. For example, if model is trained on data with point intensity in the range [0.0 - 1.0] and input data at inference has intensity in the range [1 - 255], this parameter should be set to 255.0 so that input data matches training data.

Remappings: This node subscribes to the **/point_cloud** topic, but topic names can be changed through remapping. If your point cloud is coming from a different topic name, you can modify the following line in `pp_infer_launch.py`:

`remappings=[('/point_cloud', '/my_topic_name')]`

Change the second argument to the topic name of your choice and it will be remapped to **/point_cloud**. 

After specifying your parameters, build and source the package again before launching the node as per step 7 above.

<p align="center">
 <img src="https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/ros2_tao_pointpillars/raw/main/images/car_detection.PNG" alt="results_img" height="75%" width="75%"/>
    <em>Top left is an image from the zvision camera's point of view; at the bottom is a point cloud from the zvision lidar; and top right is the detection results using TAO-PointPillars.</em>

## Limitations
- Inference batch size: Currently the TensorRT engine for PointPillars model can only run for batch size 1.
- Detection3DArray visualization: RViz currently does not support Detection3DArray messages. We provide a simple workflow to visualize results of this node [here](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/viz_3Dbbox_ros2_pointpillars).

## Related projects
[viz_3Dbbox_ros2_pointpillars](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/viz_3Dbbox_ros2_pointpillars): A visualization tool for 3D bounding box results of TAO-PointPillars.

## Support
Please reach out regarding issues and suggestions [here](https://github.com/NVIDIA-AI-IOT/ros2_tao_pointpillars/issues).