NVIDIA-ISAAC-ROS / isaac_ros_argus_camera

ROS 2 packages based on NVIDIA libArgus library for NVIDIA-accelerated CSI camera support.
Apache License 2.0
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calibration url distortion type detection issue #21

Closed chengu1000 closed 12 months ago

chengu1000 commented 1 year ago

currently, we are using rasberry pi IMX477 camera module equipped with 3.9mm F2.8 lens equipped. The exact product is https://vctec.co.kr/product/detail.html?product_no=17791&cate_no=145 because it didn't publish camerainfo by its own driver, we have made calibration yaml & ini files, to publish camerainfo. while proceeding, we met the error yaml-cpp: bad conversion in line 4~

so we decided to use ini file, and we found out that the node arguscamera sees the url and gets the calibration data

but we got calibration data as 'plumb_bob' distortion model, but if we echo the camerainfo publishing, it shows that distortion type is 'rational_polynomial', resulting in 3 more garbage data in the distortion parameter in the message

so we tried to put

camerainfo->distortion_model = "plumb_bob"

in between line 86 & 87 in 'argus_camera_mono_node.cpp', but it doesn't change the output message's distortion_model

how can we make the node to recognize the distortion model as 'plumb_bob'?

we are using the same container you've uploaded in the tutorial, and using Jetson Xavier NX, and tried to update/lower the version of yaml-cpp, but it didn't resolve the problem related in yaml file..

we upload the zip file containing the yaml and ini file for your support. camera_infos.zip

jaiveersinghNV commented 1 year ago

Thank you for reporting this issue. We are looking into it and will keep you updated.

jaiveersinghNV commented 1 year ago

Hi @chengu1000 - we've just merged #23 that we think will fix your bug. Could you try pulling the latest and see if this works for you?