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Efficient Video Diffusion Models via Content-Frame Motion-Latent Decomposition (ICLR 2024)
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Efficient Video Diffusion Models via Content-Frame Motion-Latent Decomposition

Sihyun Yu1·Weili Nie2·De-An Huang2·Boyi Li2,3
Jinwoo Shin1·Anima Anandkumar4
1 KAIST   2NVIDIA Corporation   3UC Berkerley   4Caltech  

[project page] [openreview]

1. Environment setup

conda create -n cmd python=3.8 -y
conda activate cmd
pip install -r requirements.txt

2. Dataset

Dataset download

Currently, we provide experiments for UCF-101. You can place the data that you want and can specifiy it via --data-path arguments in training scripts.


|-- class1
    |-- video1.avi
    |-- video2.avi
    |-- ...
|-- class2
    |-- video1.avi
    |-- video2.avi
    |-- ...
    |-- ...

3. Training


 torchrun --nnodes=[NUM_NODES] --nproc_per_node=[NUM_GPU] train_ae.py \
    --dataset-name UCF101 \ 
    --data-path /data/UCF-101 \
    --global-batch-size [BATCH_SIZE] \ 
    --results-dir [LOG_DIRECTORY] 
    --mode pixel \
    --ckpt-every 20000

Motion Diffusion Model

python train_motion_diffusion.py \ 
  --nnodes=[NUM_NODES] \ 
    --dataset-name UCF101 \ 
    --data-path /data/UCF-101 \
    --global-batch-size [BATCH_SIZE] \   
    --results-dir [LOG_DIRECTORY]
    --mode pixel \
    --ckpt-every 20000

Content Diffusion Model

python train_content_diffusion.py \ 
  --nnodes=[NUM_NODES] \ 
    --dataset-name UCF101 \ 
    --data-path /data/UCF-101 \
    --global-batch-size [BATCH_SIZE] \   
    --results-dir [LOG_DIRECTORY]
    --mode pixel \
    --ckpt-every 20000 \
    --motion-model-config [MOTION_MODEL_CONFIG]

Then these scripts will automatically create the folder in [LOG_DIRECTORY] to save logs and checkpoints.


It's possible that this code may not accurately replicate the results outlined in the paper due to potential human errors during the preparation and cleaning of the code for release. If you encounter any difficulties in reproducing our findings, please don't hesitate to inform us. Additionally, we'll make an effort to carry out sanity-check experiments in the near future.


Please consider citing CMD if this repository is useful for your work.

  title={Efficient Video Diffusion Models via Content-Frame Motion-Latent Decomposition},
  author={Sihyun Yu and Weili Nie and De-An Huang and Boyi Li and Jinwoo Shin and Anima Anandkumar},
  booktitle={International Conference on Learning Representations},


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This work is made available under the NVIDIA Source Code License-NC. Click here to view a copy of this license.


This code is mainly built upon PVDM, DiT, and glide-text2im repositories.\ We also used the code from following repositories: StyleGAN-V and TATS.