NWNThayPW / ThayPublicSuggestions

Public suggestion repo for the NWN:EE server Thay and the Underdark
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Buying out Slaves #111

Open KainDelvin opened 12 months ago

KainDelvin commented 12 months ago

Give slaves a way to buy there way out of there collar. The current system of slavery as implemented in server implies there's some magical means by which everyone always knows who was a slave and who wasn't. Which just isn't the case in canon unless there master is a red who wants to spend resources on magically branding them. There are examples in canon of people being enslaved and then someone simply buying there freedom. Pay the person who owns your collar enough money to forget they own you, go wash yourself up, cut your hair, and you're back to normal life.

Make the price exorbitant, 100k. 200k, w/e. But put a path to freedom for those slaves lucky enough to be able to either save up themselves, or have someone that cares about them enough to buy it for them.

Ed1nSm commented 12 months ago

Additionally, if ways of slaves being freed do get included somehow, perhaps include them in these situations too (not necessarily both of them, just the ones that you deem fitting):

Also, in case it isn't already the case, escaped slaves probably shouldn't be kill-on-sight outside of Thay (eg. places in the Wizard's Reach before Thay takes them over, etc etc.)