NWNThayPW / ThayPublicSuggestions

Public suggestion repo for the NWN:EE server Thay and the Underdark
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Thay Public Suggestions

Public suggestion repo for the NWN:EE server Thay and the Underdark

Please submit a new suggestion by going to the "Issues" tab above, and submitting a new issue. Make sure to review/search the current issues to make sure it has not been suggested already, and feel free to comment/thumbs up to show your support on existing suggestions.

Each suggestion should be actionable, as individual as it can, and specific as possible. A suggestion should also focus on a gameplay outcome, not the code or engine mechanics to accomplish something. Simplified examples:

"I want to suggest new classes A/B/C/D and E"
Make a new suggestion for each class (so 5 separate suggestions in total)

"It'd be great if summon creature had categories"
Alright, but can be improved by specifying what categories, even specific lists of creatures that below to each category, and potentially a suggestion on how a category should be chosen.

"Rogue is underpowered"
Maybe, but if we had a "don't be under/overpowered" switch we probably would've hit it. Be specific about not just the problem, but importantly the solution to those problems, keeping in mind the nature of Thay. Changing this to 'Everything is immune to sneak attack' still isn't a suggestion, just a complaint. "Implement a mid-level quest to unlock a unique helm that grants Sneak-immunity-piercing" is getting somewhere towards viable.

"Tortuga is super hard :("
That's not actionable or specific.

"Elves suck"