NWNThayPW / ThayPublicSuggestions

Public suggestion repo for the NWN:EE server Thay and the Underdark
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Adding Slaving Functionality #121

Open Miscr3ant opened 8 months ago

Miscr3ant commented 8 months ago

With the advent of the Thayan Slaver class, slaving is taking on more of an RP role. We need an additional mechanic in Thay just beyond turning slaves in to the Slave Merchants. I’m suggesting that we allow people to shackle and sell NPC slaves to other PC’s. These are just RP fodder slaves; they will be commoners, have no battle capabilities, no inventory access…but can be summoned, and more importantly controllable by their owner, much like a familiar can; the owner can possess them, move them about, and speak for them. There is a one PC slave per PC rule, perhaps enlarge that to three NPC slaves per PC. Perhaps limit their areas they can be summoned to as main city areas, and player housing. Finally, so the market is not overly saturated, perhaps make it so only the class Thayan Slaver can sell these summonable NPC slaves to other PC’s.

Miscr3ant commented 8 months ago

An addendum to inventory access; allow it, but only allow Zero property clothing to be changed; cloth, hood, cloak Say if you wanted all your servitors to be in uniform. No weapons, no armor beyond cloth, no shields, etc