NWNThayPW / ThayPublicSuggestions

Public suggestion repo for the NWN:EE server Thay and the Underdark
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Tune down pickpocketing #124

Open LeezilPaige opened 7 months ago

LeezilPaige commented 7 months ago

Currently, the pickpocketing system punishes players for having more coin than is deemed correct. It's unclear how exactly this works, but my own experience is that around 35k+ I will regularly lose 300-900 talons within a single zone, even indoors. Other players report similar issues, consistently losing 1k+ from traveling through town.

This is not a fun feature and more importantly it is anti-RP. As it stands the server feels demoralizing to play, you have to constantly grind money in order to combat pickpocketing.

To recap some of my thoughts on the Discord:

It feels anti-RP. You're pretty pushed to invest into gear/enchantments/tattoos/items, while RP-forward purchases require more saving up (such as housing, player events). To add to that, if you're involved in RP that requires a lot of money, you're effectively forced to have very little money at all times because you'll need to save some for RP spending (salaries, taxes, bounties). I for example have to keep a lot of money set aside to ensure salaries and bounties can be paid. I'm much more incentivized to just spend money on mechanical benefits, spending it on RP is harder. The cap seems to be very low? Feels like I get pickpocketed a lot even when my total vault + inventory value is not very high. The amount and frequency seems very high, I am constantly losing 300-900 in cities myself. I've recorded losing 300 within 2 minutes of logging into a city. There doesn't appear to be a way to deal with this other than "spend money you don't want to spend", which doesn't really match the way assassins/slavers/etc work. You have in-character methods of "fighting back" that are more engaging and fun and IC. Paying off thieves guilds in cities like you do for slavers could be interesting, or letting notoriety play a part in deterring thieves, could help. Alternatively, allowing players to store value in bank notes.

I propose some solutions, any combination of these would help.

  1. Allow players to pay off a thieves guild representative to leave them alone.
  2. Don't count vault money towards pickpocketing, players already pay 5% to store their gold their. Alternatively, remove the 5% cost.
  3. Allow notoriety to prevent pickpockets, similar to slavers.
  4. Treat all pickpockets like Thugs/slavers/assassins, allowing a spot check to spot them early, otherwise you get a chance to chase them down.
  5. Remove the pickpocket system altogether.
  6. Give players any method of storing value, such as gems, bank notes, investments etc.