NWNThayPW / ThayPublicSuggestions

Public suggestion repo for the NWN:EE server Thay and the Underdark
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Note for all in the arenas #47

Open NecromancingtheStone opened 1 year ago

NecromancingtheStone commented 1 year ago

Balanor has said in the past that ONLY gladiators gain note in the Thayan Arenas.

I don't think that makes any sense. These are spectator events, where winning brings in more people to the games.

I understand that Gladiators are limited in their ability to earn note, but that shouldn't mean that if a non gladiator takes fights they shouldn't gain any notoriety from winning in the arena.

I just think it should be less than actual gladiator. Make the arenas give some note to anyone that takes and wins an arena match, but make gladiators get a factor of 4 or even 5 times that amount of note for winning. Also, gladiators souls be able to earn unlimited note from winning arena matches, but regular pcs should be restricted to not from 1 match every game day or so.

Right now, the arenas exist but no one really uses them, because they can't help, they can only hurt non gladiators. It's a shame having such a cool part of the mod sit idle because it is of no benefit.