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Shifter balancing #81

Open NecromancingtheStone opened 1 year ago

NecromancingtheStone commented 1 year ago

Shifter is a wonderful class and I really have enjoyed playing mine. But it really needs some serious work. I know the things I really would like are not possible, but a few small changes that I've seen made elsewhere would really help the class be what it's supposed to be.

I would suggest the following 4 adjustments:

1) all shapes should merge all items. As it is some shapes merge some items others merge all. It makes a situation where some forms are viable while others are not.

2) weaponless shapes should be able to merge properties from gloves onto their hand like the weapon shapes get to. As it stands, forms like conduct shape comes with no inherent ab or eb bonus, so they end up with a truly abysmal attack bonus AND damage. It's almost comical. I'd like to see it so that ONLY ab/eb, bonus damage, and on hit properties merge over to the hands of the weaponless shapes.

3) At character level 21 the epic versions of shapes should become available to a shifter. Risen Lord should get it +5 scythe back as well.

4) kobold commando and construct shape should come with a base constitution of 16. With them having only 1 ability score adjusted it makes it really tough on the shape, unnecessarily.

I know I'm going to hear a lot about how powerful shifter is. In some ways it is, in a great many ways, it is not. People forget about the drawbacks. No properties stack, so getting +12 to your stats is out the window. It is a melee class, that has TERRIBLE armor class and terrible attack bonus, and terrible saving throws. No casting spells shifted. No using items shifted, so all those little items you pick up along the way to throw around in combat, are useless to shifters. Undead shape comes with being turned by everyone, their brother AND their cousin pookie. Construct and dragon shape come with being large creatures so they can't move around well in dungeons if at all. They are limited in uses per day so if you need to shift to heal yourself, you will run out of shifts in a hurry. The class really needs some love. These aren't huge changes but will mean a lot without making it too powerful.

NecromancingtheStone commented 1 year ago

I totally forgot: 5) shifter should get full access to the move silently skill. It makes no sense for them to have hide but not move silent.