NYCPlanning / db-data-library

📚 Data Library
MIT License
0 stars 1 forks source link

NOTE: this repo has been archived. This code now lives in NYCPlanning Data Engineering's primary repo


Docker Image Size (latest by date)

Archive datasets to S3 via CLI

library archive --help

library archive --name dcp_boroboundaries --version 22c --output-format csv

library archive --name dcp_commercialoverlay --s3 --latest

library archive --name sca_e_pct --version 20230425 --output-format postgres --postgres-url $RECIPE_ENGINE


Because gdal dependencies are difficult to install, we recommend using the library CLI commands via our docker image nycplanning/library:ubuntu-latest

Method A: Run a single command

If you have environmental variables stored in a .env file:

docker run --rm --env-file .env \
    nycplanning/library:ubuntu-latest < library ... >

Otherwise, use docker run with explicit environmental variables:

docker run --rm\
    -e AWS_S3_ENDPOINT=< endpoint >
    -e AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY=< access secret ket >
    -e AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID=< access key id >
    -e AWS_S3_BUCKET=< bucket name >
    nycplanning/library:ubuntu-latest < library ... >

Where the library ... command can be any of the library commands (e.g. library archive --name dcp_commercialoverlay -s -c)

Method B: Use a dev container in VS Code

  1. Open the repo in a Remote Window in VS Code (either when prompted or via the green icon at the bottom left)

  2. Start a poetry shell via poetry shell

  3. Install python packages via poetry install

  4. Run library commands

Method C: Use github actions

💡 Note: This method will always push to S3

  1. Navigate to the Actions section of the repo

  2. Select Update a Single Dataset

  3. Within Run workflow, enter the relevant inputs and click Run workflow

Dev Instructions

  1. Make sure you have GDAL installed (we are using version 3.2.1+dfsg-1+b1)
    sudo apt install -y gdal-bin libgdal-dev python3-gdal
  2. then install poetry
    curl -sSL | python3 -
  3. Use poetry to install dependencies poetry install
  4. Install pre-commit poetry run pre-commit install
  5. Check out what's available via the cli poetry run library --help
  6. To add/update documentation, run poetry run pdoc -o docs --html library


To test all functions within a script: poetry run pytest tests/{test script}.py -s

To test a specific function: poetry run pytest tests/{test script}.py::{test name} -s

note the -s flag is optional, it allows print output (via stdout) to be included in the test output, otherwise it is ignored