NYU-HSRN-Network-Data-Science-Group / AutoZeekWatch

An online, deployable machine learning network intrusion detection system for Zeek.
MIT License
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Experiment Planning #27

Open diego-lopez8 opened 4 months ago

diego-lopez8 commented 4 months ago

We need to plan the experiments and figure out which attack types we think are realistically doable, while also being relevant to our research

For normal, we can include traffic such as:

For attacks:

We can also try to include some L7 attacks, my intuition is that the network data will be of low resolution to accurately detect these, we can verify it.

Zihang-Xia commented 4 months ago
diego-lopez8 commented 4 months ago

The SSH bruteforce was run yesterday, March 4 7:02 PM - 7:20 PM

We need to verify the data is there.

Diego to run Port Scan attack today and report results

diego-lopez8 commented 4 months ago

Zihang to Setup a simple NGINX server and do SYN flood

Optimistically to be done tonight

diego-lopez8 commented 3 months ago

Port Scan TCP and UDP ran yesterday

Zihang-Xia commented 3 months ago

I have created a google sheet recording the attacks so we can evaluate the models. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1T_P_RC7njI2cI79xY-qCPvgVJXroRfmv57wleiN6qTI/edit?usp=sharing

Zihang-Xia commented 3 months ago

Zihang to Setup a simple NGINX server and do SYN flood

Optimistically to be done tonight

Finished setting up the NGINX server, will conduct syn flood when I have time.

diego-lopez8 commented 3 months ago

diego to run full port scan