NYU-HSRN-Network-Data-Science-Group / AutoZeekWatch

An online, deployable machine learning network intrusion detection system for Zeek.
MIT License
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intrusion-detection-system machine-learning zeek


License: MIT

AutoZeekWatch is a real-time, modular, multiprocessed, configurable A.I. anomaly detector for Zeek logs. AutoZeekWatch enables you to generate anomaly scores for Zeek logs im real time, and correlate them with the initial 5-tuple and Zeek UID for downstream analysis, automated mitigation, and more.

Table of Contents


AutoZeekWatch functions in two distinct phases, training and inference. Under the hood, KitNET, a ensemble of autoencoders, is used to generate anomaly scores for individual logs in a unsupervised manner.

During training, the model must learn the normal distribution from provided data. The user is expected to provide a directory where historical, normal (not malicious) logs are stored. The model then learns this distribution.

During inference, the model provides a score of how anomalous a given log is to the distribution learned from training. This score along with the 5-tuple (Source IP, Destination IP, Source Port, Destination Port, Proto) is then dumped to a file which can be used for downstream tasks or alerting.

It is possible to specify different zeek log types to train on and perform inference on. Currently, the following are available:

These can be used modularly, one, many, or all can be used at once.

Zeek Data Format

AutoZeekWatch requires Zeek data to be in JSON format. In your local.zeek add the following:

@load policy/tuning/json-logs.zeek

If you have logs in standard TSV format, you can convert them to JSON using Zeek Analysis Tools.

Installation and Training

On your NIDS node, run:

git clone https://github.com/NYU-HSRN-Network-Data-Science-Group/AutoZeekWatch.git
cd AutoZeekWatch/
pip install -r requirements.txt
python AutoZeekWatch/train.py --log-dir <ZEEK_LOG_DIR> --modules <MODULE1> <MODULE2> 

If you would like to train the model in the background:

python AutoZeekWatch/train.py --log-dir <ZEEK_LOG_DIR> --modules <MODULE1> <MODULE2> &

You can list your current Zeek log directory with:

zeekctl config | grep logdir


Train a Model on Connection Data and SSH Data

python train.py --log-dir <PATH/TO/LOGS> --modules CONN SSH &

Start Inference on Incoming Connection Data

python infer.py --log-dir <PATH/TO/LOGS> --modules CONN