NYU-HSRN-Network-Data-Science-Group / AutoZeekWatch

An online, deployable machine learning network intrusion detection system for Zeek.
MIT License
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Multilog #31

Closed zoe70416 closed 3 months ago

zoe70416 commented 3 months ago

Finish processing dns.log and http.log

No error when running these: python train_dns.py --log-dir /usr/local/logs python train_http.py --log-dir /usr/local/logs

diego-lopez8 commented 3 months ago

There is a bit of code reuse that we can make more efficient by having the preprocessdns function be in utils, and then having a single train.py function that takes user input on what they want to train on. For example, we can have a command line argument of log-type-to-train that takes a comma separated list of the different logs to train on such as conn,ssh or just http. Then we can have a if statement in the main control flow of train.py that checks what arguments are passed, and executes the `preprocess` and train code for that specific log type

diego-lopez8 commented 3 months ago

working on the infer.py portion of the addition, need to break out the infer.py to also be module based, maybe this can be multiprocessed too

diego-lopez8 commented 3 months ago

Will test on the HSRN node and see what happens, its starting to look really good

diego-lopez8 commented 3 months ago

Tested, LGTM