NYUFRE / FRE_Platform

FRE Platform is a framework for students to learn end-to-end development of financial applications. The platform has a 3-tier architecture. The front-end is a Web interface, which support user registration, login/logout and all the user interactions for financial modeling, portfolio management and auto-trading simulation. The middle-tier handles real-time and historical market data feeds and database management. It supports portfolio management, and financial modeling, as well as simulated manual and auto trading. The backend is a server which builds a simulated market for trading. FRE Platform is run as a virtual environment or in a Docker container.
MIT License
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FRE Platform

Git Instructions

Fork a repo to your own account

Create a directory called NYUFRE and Clone FRE_Platform Remote Repo

git clone https://github.com/NYUFRE/FRE_Platform

Add upstream repo

git remote add upstream https://github.com/NYUFRE/FRE_Platform

Sync with upstream(recommend doing it every time before checking out a new branch)

git fetch upstream

Check status of your current branch, should be master

cd FRE_Platform
git status

Sync your local repo with the remote repo (Once pull is completed, follow the instructions in Launch FRE Platform section to launch the platform)

git pull

Create a working branch for your changes

git checkout -b feature/feature-name

Diff between your changes and the original

git diff

Add your changes to the staging area

git add some_file.py
# or simply 
git add .

Commit your changes

git commit -m "Add feature-xyz"

Push your change to the remote repo

git push -u origin feature/feature-name

Create a Pull Request on Github

Git Commit Convention

General Format:

<type>[path/scope]: <description>
  1. <>: required
  2. []: optional


  3. fix: bug fixing
  4. feat: short for feature, standing for change of any feature in the app.
  5. ref: short for refactor, standing for change of the structure of project including add folder, change path, rename, etc.
  6. docs: changes of document, including files like README and needed comment in code
  7. test: anything related to test of code


  8. Fix a bug realted to data downloading of an API from some ai trading system:
    git commit -m "fix(system/ai_trading/API): fix a bug causing by wrong url format."
  9. Add a new auto trading system:
    git commit -m "feat(system/auto_trading): new auto trading system published."
  10. Rename the database file name:
    git commit -m "ref(instance/db): rename the database file from xxx.db to yyy.db."
  11. Add conventional commit into the README:
    git commit -m "docs(README): add conventional commit details into README.
  12. Add unit test to a new ai trading system:
    git commit -m "test(system/ai_trading): add unit test to ai_trading system."

Launch FRE Platform

With Virtual Env

After clone the FRE_Platform repo from Github, create the virtualenv directory in FRE_Platform (Run python -V to check the Python versions in your environment, does not use version 3.12 or higher as some packages such as trading-calendars have not updated to 3.12)

py -3.11 -m venv venv

Activate the virtual env


If you are using MAC computer, using

source venv/bin/activate

Install the required packages

python install.py


pip install -r requirements.txt

In the instance directory, copy or rename flask_template.cfg to flask.cfg. Enter secret_key and Web admin email information as instructed. Then replace the dummy entries for eod_api_key and iex_api_key with your all-in-one monthly subscriptions from Unicorn Data Services (eodhd.com) and IEX Cloud.

Set PYTHONPATH pointing to your FRE_Platform such as

set PYTHONPATH="C:\NYUFRE\FRE_Platform\FRE_Platform"

Launch the platform

python app.py

Stop the platform by Ctrl-C and deactivate the virtualenv


With Docker

Either build from source or pull from docker cloud repository.

Build from local source code:

docker build -t fre .

Pull from docker repository

docker pull <repository>/<image name>

Run single instance

docker run --name test -p 5001:5000 -v "<instance folder>":/app/instance -d fre python app.py

Arguments explain:

--name test: Name container to test

-p 5001: 5000: mapping host 5001 port to container 5000 port. host 5001 port is an arbitrary choice, can be any port as long as it is available. (Mac may request perm to use some ports)

-v: "":/app/instance mapping host direactory to container direactory

-d: run as daemon

fre: image name, if pulled from docker repository, this should be /

python app.py: run "python app.py" in this container

Helpful docker cmd:

sh into a running container: docker exec -it <container name> bash

show log: docker logs <container name>

show all local image: docker images

show all containers: docker ps -a

stop container: docker stop <container name>

remove container: docker rm <container name> (stop doesn't release the resource, rm is required if you want to permanently close the container)

remove local image: docker rmi <image name>

Potential further improvements for containerizing this project

Although it is possible to run multi-processes in one docker container, it is generally discouraged.

From Docker documentation

It is generally recommended that you separate areas of concern by using one service per container. That service may fork into multiple processes (for example, Apache web server starts multiple worker processes). It’s ok to have multiple processes, but to get the most benefit out of Docker, avoid one container being responsible for multiple aspects of your overall application. You can connect multiple containers using user-defined networks and shared volumes.

A further improvement could be decoupling server from client code and make server a long running daemon process.

Issue report

From upstream repo's GitHub Issue


FRE Platform Documentation