NYUGP17 / Assignment_5

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Assignment 5: Shape Deformation

This repository contains the viewer/painting code and data files you'll need for assignment 5.

Getting Started

To begin, clone the repository:

git clone https://github.com/NYUGP17/Assignment_5

Next, please refer to the General Rules and Instructions handout for instructions on installing LIBIGL and its dependencies.

Building and Completing the Assignment

Once LIBIGL is set up (and pointed to by environment variable $LIBIGL_ROOT) you should be able to build the viewer code:

mkdir build && cd build && cmake ..

Please report any problems you run into on this repository's Issues tab on GitHub.

When the build completes successfully, begin implementing the missing blocks in src/main.cpp as described by the assignment PDF.


When you finish the assignment, you will submit it by pushing it to a new repository on our NYUGP17 organization.

  1. Create a private repository in https://github.com/NYUGP17/ called Assignment5_USER, where USER is your github username that you entered in the survey.
  2. Push your code to the repository:
    git push https://github.com/NYUGP17/Assignment5_USER


Every submission must build on Linux before it can be graded/considered complete. To check this, you will use Travis-CI, a tool for automatically rebuilding your code each time you push it to GitHub.

We've already configured Travis-CI for this repository: Travis-CI works by running the script in '.travis.yml' each time new commits are pushed. You will need to follow the getting started instructions to sign into Travis-CI with your GitHub account, grant it permission, and enable builds on your private assignment repositories. Finally, you need to change the URL at the top of this README.md file to point to your repository's status.