NYULibraries / Archivesspace-DO-Plugin

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NYU Archivesspace DO Plugin

This is an ArchivesSpace plugin that extends the ArchivesSpace API to allow real time Digital Object look ups.

This plugin was developed against ArchivesSpace v1.5.1 by Hudson Molonglo for New York University with generous funding from the Mellon Foundation.

How to Install

  1. Download latest release at: https://github.com/NYULibraries/Archivesspace-DO-Plugin/releases

  2. Uncompress the directory and copy to your archivesspace plugins directory, with the name 'nyudo'

  3. Enable the plugin by editing the file in config/config.rb: AppConfig[:plugins] = ['some_exisiting plugin', 'nyudo']

  4. Add a proxy for your backend url in config/config.rb: AppConfig[:backend_proxy_url] = "http://example.com:8089"

Your archivesspace should now have 3 extra endpoints: /plugins/nyudo/repositories/:repo_id/archiveit/:resource_id, /plugins/nyudo/repositories/:repo_id/sumary/:resource_id, and /plugins/nyudo/repositories/:repo_id/detailed/:component_id


The endpoints are configured to require an authenticated session from Archivesspace for a user account with read-repository permissions. This can be configured to a different permission setting, or no perissions at all, by modifying the nyudo.rb from the Controllers directory, and changing the argument to the permissions methods: ".permissions([:view_repository])"

Archiveit Integration

The API includes an endpoint, /plugins/nyudo/repositories/:repository_id/archiveit/:resource_id, that generates a json response that can be consumed by Archive-It. More information on this integration can be found at https://github.com/NYULibraries/Archivesspace-DO-Plugin/wiki/Archive-It-Integration


A URL can be created that passes the repository and resource identifiers for a resource described in archivesspace as a parameter to the archiveit endpoint:


The endpoint will generate a json response that can be consumed by Archive-It by entering the the url in the 'Related Archival Materials' field in the metadata for a seed url archived in Archive-It.

"title":"Adele Fournet Papers on the Bit Rosie Web Series",
"extent":"33 Digital Objects",

Endpoint Summary

The Archivesspace DO plugin adds three GET endpoints to the

GET /plugins/nyudo/repositories/:repository_id/archiveit/:resource_id
Provides a json response with basic data about a collection for integration with Archive-It. More information on the integration can be found here: https://github.com/NYULibraries/Archivesspace-DO-Plugin/wiki/Archive-It-Integration

GET /plugins/nyudo/repositories/:repository_id/summary/:resource_id
Provides a json response with data about a resources and a summary of digital objects that are described as part of the resource

GET /plugins/nyudo/repositories/:repository_id/detailed/:resource_id
Provides a json response with information about a digital object and parent archival object

Demo Application

A demo application that consumes the data from the API is available at: https://github.com/NYULibraries/Composers-API-Demo