NaimKabir / personal-golinks

Personal shortlinks completely managed in a browser extension.
MIT License
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icon32 Personal Shortlinks

Available in the Chrome Web Store.

A personal link-shortener that works entirely within your browser, inspired by Go-links.

So this can work alongside Go-links, this uses the prefix to/ for all short-links.

This extension is compliant with Google's new Manifest V3, so it should be able to stay on the webstore for a while πŸ˜….


Add a short-link

If you're on a page you'd like a short-link to, simply click on the extension and it should pre-fill it as the destination.

If you'd like to link somewhere else entirely, feel free to edit this pre-filled value. This can even work for deep-links into applications. For example, I use Joplin, and I can open a Joplin page with a URI like joplin://x-callback-url/openFolder?id=example. Note: this won't work for file URIs because of Chrome permissioning.

Tap enter or click submit, and you'll see your new short-link!

There is a limit of 4000 links.

Use a short-link

Simply type a short-link into your browser, and you'll be redirected to the destination.

Remove a short-link

To remove a short-link, click the trash can icon next to it.


You can search your short-links by typing into the search bar. The list of links will update automatically as you type.

Overwrite a short-link

If you type in a short-link you've already used, you'll get a warning and the option to overwrite your link.

You can either cancel or go ahead and overwrite.

### For developers This is a Chrome extension using Manifest V3. We take advantage of Chrome's [DeclarativeNetRequest API]( to redirect requests to custom short-links. ### Development Entrypoint is `./popup/src/popup.ts`. You can explore dependencies and logic best from there, but a gist: - `./popup/src/constants.ts` contains globally useful prefixes, as well as a mapping from HTML components and their IDs to a Typescript-readable object. - `./popup/src/render.ts` manages rendering dynamic elements like the shortlink list - `./popup/src/links.ts` manages mutations: adding and removing links, and the internal memory management required to do that ### Bundling This project is bundled with [Webpack]( To re-build as you edit, try: `npx webpack` This will trigger a job that will watch for changes and rebuild any time you save. ### Styling This extension is styled using [Bootstrap]( pre-sets. ### Conventions To format code: `npx prettier --write .`
