Nakaner / Cerepso

PostgreSQL/PostGIS importer for OpenStreetMap data which tries to be compatible with osm2pgsql
GNU General Public License v2.0
5 stars 1 forks source link


Cerepso is a tool to import OSM data into a PostgreSQL database (with PostGIS and hstore extension) and to keep the database up to date with minutely, hourly or daily diff files provided by OSM itself or third parties like Geofabrik.

Cerepso is inspired by osm2pgsql and tries to be as compatible as possible with it but removes some "dirty hacks". See differences-from-osm2pgsql for details. Small parts of osm2pgsql source code and almost all database optimization techniques have been reused by Cerepso.

Cerepso makes much use of the Osmium library for reading OSM data and building geometries.


This programme is experimental. A larger refactoring has to be done to ease maintanance and extensibility in future. Please expect bugs if you use this programme.

The most important tasks to be done are:

Lacking features and minor issues can be found in the bugtracker of this project. In addition, some "TODO" comments in the code give help where to start.


Its written in C++11 and available under the terms of GNU General Public License 2 (GPLv2). See COPYING.txt for the full legal code. This program contains code from osm2pgsql for escaping strings before inserting them into the database.



mkdir build
cmake ..

Unit Tests

Unit tests are located in the test subdirectory. The Catch framework is used for unit tests. Run make test in the build/ directory to run the tests.