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Ankiweb allows me to share only 250MB per deck, so only the Juz 27-30 are given. The full deck can be found under the Releases tab.
This is a deck made to efficiently revise and memorize the Quran correctly.
Many other Quran decks exist out there but, they have some issues:
How this deck solves these issues:
This deck separates ayahs into 'segments' by their waqf or pause marks (م, لا, ج, قلی, صلی ,∴ ∴). Instead of 6,236 cards for each verse, there are 10,521 cards for each segment. This reduces the number of words being tested from an average of 12.5 to 7.3 allowing you to focus on the recitation of those words (the longest segment is 49 words). Audio has also been split by segments allowing you to hear only the tested segment when you flip the card over to test yourself. In this way, the following part of the ayah is not given away.
The front of the card gives you all previous segments in the ayah and a few ayahs prior as needed. How many previous ayahs are given? As many as necessary to create a String of Text Unique To That Card. So you can be given up to five ayahs prior to the ayah being tested so that there's no confusion on which ayah is being referred to.
No following ayahs or segments are given so you can safely review ayahs in the order they appear in the Quran.
Translations are given beneath each word for those who wish to test themselves on the meaning, as well as recitation, of the Quran.
Other Added features: