NatLee / telepy

A Django-based web application for managing and monitoring the reverse SSH tunnels or jump servers.
MIT License
4 stars 1 forks source link
django-application jumpserver python reverse-proxy ssh-server


ui terminal

A web application for managing and monitoring the reverse SSH tunnels.


  1. Copy the .env.example to .env and change the environment variables.

  2. Generate keys for SSH server.

  1. Build and run the Docker container.
docker-compose up
  1. (Optional) Create a superuser for Django admin.

Be aware that the first user created will be the superuser whatever the method you use. See this function for more details. So, if you want to login with Google account, just visit the login page and login with Google account.

You need to check the script ./ and change the username and password if you want.

  1. Go to http://localhost:<YOUR_WEB_SERVER_PORT>/login, it will show the login page.

API Documentation

If you want to see the API documentation, you need to login first.

  1. Go to http://localhost:<YOUR_WEB_SERVER_PORT>/api/__hidden_admin/ and login with the superuser.

  2. Go to http//localhost:<YOUR_WEB_SERVER_PORT>/api/__hidden_swagger and you will see the Swagger.


Nat Lee
Nat Lee
H. Alice
H. Alice
Boris Lok
Boris Lok
