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Buildin command EXPORT #17

Closed edooarda closed 2 days ago

edooarda commented 1 month ago

Export add a new node to the linked list env.

if the keyword doesn't have value, set it as NULL and it is not showed when is call env

if the keyword received an = and a value, it will appear on env calls

if only use the export command without argument gives an alphabetic ordered linked list with the node recent added not ordered, it will appear in the end of the list.

if the keyword exist and it is possible to set a new value to it using =.


r@f1r6s9:~$ export declare -x COLORTERM="truecolor" declare -x DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS="unix:path=/run/user/151977/bus"

declare -x ZSH="/home/r/.oh-my-zsh" declare -x avocado

declare -x ZSH="/home/r/.oh-my-zsh" declare -x avocado="abacate" declare -x edu

declare -x ZSH="/home/edribeir/.oh-my-zsh" declare -x avocado="abacate" declare -x edu="eu"

r@f1r6s9:~$ export edu=tst r@f1r6s9:~$ export

declare -x ZSH="/home/r/.oh-my-zsh" declare -x avocado="abacate" declare -x edu="tst"

edooarda commented 1 month ago

the new node will be sorted if it starts with uppercase, but lower case put it on the end of the list.

idea to only print in the alph order, not sort the env

edooarda commented 2 weeks ago

First char cannot be numerical only alpha! If it is not alpha it will not create a node and it will print a error, for example '=' is not an alpha