NataliaMedeiros / minishell

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To starting developing the minishell we could break it in two step:


The parser process takes the sequence of tokens produced by the lexer and processes them according to the grammatical rules of the language.

Example: Consider the following command line: cat file.txt | grep "search string" > output.txt

The lexer will break it into the following tokens:

Command Table To store these tokens, we use a command table, which organizes all these tokens into a list of simple commands. Each simple command in the command table contains the command itself and its arguments

Functions allowed on this project

| Function | Lib | Description

Function From lib Description
printf <stdio.h> write output to stdout
readline <readline/readline.h><readline/history.h> get a line from a user with editing

, , rl_redisplay, add_history, printf, malloc, free, write, access, open, read, close, fork, wait, waitpid, wait3, wait4, signal,≈ sigaction, sigemptyset, sigaddset, kill, exit, getcwd, chdir, stat, lstat, fstat, unlink, execve, dup, dup2, pipe, opendir, readdir, closedir, strerror, perror, isatty, ttyname, ttyslot, ioctl, getenv, tcsetattr, tcgetattr, tgetent, tgetflag, tgetnum, tgetstr, tgoto, tputs