A Discord dicebot for Shadowrun 1e/2e/3e, which does d6 rolls with modifiers, as well as Success Tests and Opposed Success Tests. It can also store dice macros, and even generates initiative for Shadowrun 1st-3rd Editions -- both forwards and backwards. New in 2022 it also does reminders, ammo tracking, scene text and music, and has a virtual GM screen for hiding your prep from your players. And, hey, why not: it also does initiative for Cyberpunk 2020 and Cyberpunk RED.
Instructions on using the bot are below, after the self-hosting instructions.
Click here to deploy the bot on your server.
Install node.js and test that it's working. You'll need this in order to set up the bot.
Get your Discord auth token via the New Application button at http://discordapp.com/developers/applications/me and put the auth token in a discordauth.json
file, in the same directory as main.js. The format:
"token": "your auth token goes here"
IMPORTANT: If you're using git, make sure you add discordauth.json
to your .gitignore
file before your next commit.
3a. Install MongoDB and test that it's working (for example by connecting to it with MongoDB Compass); and then create a database called sr1egamebot
. (If you're using Compass, you'll need to also create a collection in that database; in that case, create the collection folders
3b. From the bot's source, copy config.example.js
to config.js
IMPORTANT: If you're using git, make sure you add config.js
to your .gitignore
file before your next commit.
Open config.js
in your code editor and fill in your MongoDB connection string. It has the format:
For example:
If you use a strong password with symbols, you might need to encode the password, like this:
3c. If you used a previous version of the bot, you'll need to migrate your data away from Google Drive, using the provided script migrate.js
: see the section Data Migration, below.
3d. For the sake of security, configure MongoDB for password authentication. I also strongly recommend: a) hosting MongoDB on the same server that the bot runs from; b) setting the firewall to reject connections to MongoDB from outside; c) leaving MongoDB on its default configuration to only accept connections from the same computer.
Here's how to enable password authentication for MongoDB.
node .
(with the period).
To migrate the data, first make sure MongoDB is installed and running. Make sure config.js
is set up with the proper this.dbUrl
value including MongoDB user credentials if you've turned on MongoDB's password authentication. Then go to Google Drive and right-click your UserData
folder, and choose Download. Then rename the downloaded file to simply UserData.zip
and place it in the same folder with the bot's code files. Then run node ./migrate.js
from the bot's folder.
After migrating, you will have more entries in the folders
collection than were reported in the migrate.js
output. This is normal; it happens because node-stream-zip
only reports folder endpoints: UserData/serverID/channelID/userID
gets reported as one folder, when actually it's four folders nested in each other.
Unfortunately, this is beyond the scope of these instructions.
There are a few admin commands that are hard-coded only to respond to me, the bot's author. If you self-host, you can gain access to them:
!6t -5
!5 tn4
!5! tn4
!5! tn3 vs6! otn4
You can order GameBot to do multiple rolls with one message. Just separate the dice commands with semicolons.
example: !1 ; 2t ; 3!; 4t +5 and a note for good measure
Be careful not to use semicolons for any other reason.
Notes are OK, and your options can be in the middle of the note.
!3! TN4 resist wagemage sorcery
:arrow_left: works!3! resist wagemage sorcery TN4
:arrow_left: works!3! resist TN4 wagemage sorcery
:arrow_left: worksresist wagemage sorcery !3! TN4
:arrow_left: won't work:one: !setgm @someone
:two: !setinit X Y
:one: !setgm
:two: !setplayers @player1 @player2 (etc)
:three: !setnpcinits
(see below)
!setinit syntax is !setinit X Y
where X is the number of dice and Y is the modifier. For example, !setinit 1 4
sets your initiative formula to 1d6+4. (Or, for Cyberpunk, 1d10+4. It'll say 1d6+4, but it'll roll 1d10+4 if you roll Cyberpunk initiative.)
IMPORTANT: Commands won't work unless you @people correctly. Use the menu that pops-up while you type, or tab-completion. If it's highlighted blue, you did it right.
:arrow_right: !init - Shadowrun 1e initiative
:arrow_right: !initflip - Shadowrun 1e initiative, reversed
:arrow_right: !init2 - Shadowrun 2e initiative
:arrow_right: !init2flip - Shadowrun 2e initiative, reversed
:arrow_right: !init3 - Shadowrun 3e initiative
:arrow_right: !init3flip - Shadowrun 3e initiative, reversed
:arrow_right: !initcp - Cyberpunk 2020 initiative
:arrow_right: !initcpr - Cyberpunk RED initiative
The bot remembers stuff; you won't need to redo setup, just update whatever changes. However:
Shortcut Full command [Required] options
!setgm @someone
!si !setinit [X Y]
!setp !setplayers [@player1 @player2 etc]
!addp !addplayers [@player1 @player2 etc]
!lp !listplayers
!rmp !removeplayers [@player1 @player2 etc]
!clrp !clearplayers
!setn !setnpcinits [X1 Y1 label1 X2 Y2 label2 etc]
!addn !addnpcinits [X1 Y1 label1 X2 Y2 label2 etc]
!ln !listnpcinits
!rmn !removenpcinits [label1 label2 etc]
!clrn !clearnpcinits
!setnpcinits and !addnpcinits syntax:!(command) X Y label
Labels cannot have spaces or commas. Add as many NPCs as you want, separated by spaces.
e.g. !addnpcinits 1 5 thugs
(means the thugs have 1d6+5 initiative).
If you have multiple NPC's with the same label, !removeNPCInits also accepts the format !removenpcinits X Y label
which requires a full match. But, having multiple NPC's with the same label is confusing anyway, so maybe just don't do that.
It is strongly recommended that you also read !help gmscreen
so you can do your prep in secret!
Every adventure has passages of text that must be given to the players at each new scene. You no longer need to type these out in real time! Now you can prepare the texts in advance via the bot, and deploy them easily later.
!setscene name musicLink sceneText
Creates or updates a named scene. The music link is optional. Scene text can have line breaks and formatting, and is only limited by Discord message length limits.
Example 1: !setscene example1 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zsq-tAz54Pg The orks burst through the door carrying uzis and a grudge.
Example 2: !setscene example2 Suddenly the band stops playing as everyone stares at you in horror.
!getscene name
Deploys the named scene. The name of the scene is not displayed in the output. Music (if any) is shown as a link, with Discord's embedded player below that.
Shows a list of scene names that you've saved to the current channel (or play channel, if you're using the virtual GM Screen feature).
!delscene name
Deletes one or more scenes identified by name(s). To delete multiple scenes, simply put spaces between the names. Deleted scenes cannot be recovered!
Using this feature, ammo tracking, reminders, initiative and scene commands can be done in a hidden channel.
Players still need to !setgm and !setinit in the play channel.
It's simple!
Step :one:: Go to your hidden channel
This will be the channel where you do all your prep from now on.
Step :two:: !setchannel linkToPlayChannel
Your "play channel" is the channel players have access to; your main channel for the game.
You make a channel link by typing the # sign and typing the channel name or choosing it from the pop-up menu.
If the channel name is highlighted blue, you did it right.
Step :three:: Do your prep!
Notes about running various commands behind the GM screen:
:arrow_forward: !getscene will output to the play channel so you don't need to reveal your scene titles.
:arrow_forward: You can now run !init in secret, or you can prep your NPC's in the secret channel and then do the !init command in the play channel.
The bot can DM reminders of your upcoming game sessions to your players.
!addreminder sessionDate&Time timer1 timer2 etc
!addreminder 2022-05-04T18:00 30m 6h 1d 3d 7d
Sets a game session at 6pm on May 4, and five reminders (30 minutes before the session, etc)!setplayers
, !addplayers
, etc commands under !help init
!cancelreminder id#1 id#2 etc
Cancels one or more reminders. See !listreminders
to get the ID's.
GameBot can track ammo during combat, enforcing max ROF and weapon capacity.
!ammo addgun name maxROF ammoContainerType ammoCapacity ammoTypes
Adds a weapon for ammo tracking purposes. The name must not have any spaces or commas.
If the gun is compatible with multiple types of round, separate them with spaces.
You should keep the name short, since you'll be typing it for the !ammo fire
and !ammo reload
If the rules don't specify maxROF any other way, don't forget autofire is Skill Rating +1.
Example: !ammo addgun uzi3 7 clip 16 slug
!ammo delgun name
Example: !ammo delgun uzi3
Removes the uzi3 from your inventory.
!ammo addammo qtyContainers containerType qtyRounds roundType maxRounds
The maxRounds should match the ammoCapacity of the gun you want to use this ammo for.
The roundType should match one of the ammoTypes for the matching weapon.
Example: !ammo addammo 10 clip 16 slug 16
Adds 10 clips that are fully loaded with 16 slugs each. This matches the uzi3.
!ammo delammo qtyContainers containerType qtyRounds roundType maxRounds
Example: !ammo delammo 4 clip 16 slug 16
Removes 4 of those clips for your uzi3 from your inventory.
!ammo list
Shows a list of guns, and what they're loaded with, plus a list of your ammo.
Empty clips are not shown, so track those yourself.
!ammo fire weaponName nbrShots
Depletes a number of rounds (nbrShots) from the gun identified by weaponName, assuming nbrShots doesn't exceed the gun's maxROF.
If you try to shoot more rounds than are currently loaded, the weapon will be depleted of all ammo and you will be told how many rounds were shot before the weapon clicked empty.
!ammo reload weaponName
!ammo reload weaponName shotType
The first form assumes you only have one compatible ammo type for that weapon.
Example: !ammo reload uzi3
The second form allows you to specify which type of round you want to load, for cases where your weapon has multiple compatible ammoTypes and you have compatible ammo entries for 2 or more of those ammoTypes.
Example: !ammo reload enfield shot
Commands are not case-sensitive. Go WiLd WitH tHaT.
You can find my Patreon at https://patreon.com/nathanhawks if this bot helps you game.
This software is released as-is under the terms of the UnLicense; it is available to the public domain.