HR Medical Dashboard As a data analyst team for the HR department in a medical company, we have been provided with data on 10-15 parameters per day per year for over 1000 employees. The parameters include information on arrival and departure times, vacations, sick days, and time off, among others. Our task is to answer questions posed by the CEO based on this data.
• Perform data cleaning using SQL to ensure that the data is accurate, complete, and consistent. • Identify the most disciplined and undisciplined employees and divisions based on the cleaned data. • Create a visualization using Power BI that shows the weekdays and months with the most employee lateness/absences. • Analyze the data using Power BI to answer questions about which department heads tend to forgive lack of discipline and whether any employees are consistently favored by specific department heads. • Use Power BI to identify other insights and trends in the data that could be useful for HR decision-making.