NathanShih04 / GamerGroupRepository

Repository for all the boys.
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AP CSP Period 3: Team Awawa

Project Ideation


Our original goal was to create a fun webiste with lots of minigames but from feedback given to us, we realized we could do more if we had a greater overarching goal. We want to inform others in a fun, interesting environment. We want to help protect the animals that we love, so now, our main purpose is to spread awareness about the dangers surrounding many monkey, ape and turtle species as well as all other land and ocean species. They face the threats of extinction thanks to us, so we are responsible for spreading awareness and helping fix the problems we have caused. We want everyone to appreciate monkeys and turtles as much as we do, and hopefully help protect these beautiful creatures from danger so that we may coexisst with them for many more years. Many of our tabs are based on learning more about different species of animal as well as ways that we may help protect them. In addition to these learning opportunitiees, we will have some fun little minigames to play in between research, such as a Turtle clicker that tracks the clicks of the user. We will also implement an animal based trivia game. a reaction speed tracker that has a monkey theme. This works when a monkey sprite pops onto the screen and the user is prompted to click anywhere on the screen. The website will then return how long you took to react and click on the website. We are also planning on a green theme. Wireframe

[How to Use]

The navbar located at the top allows you to navigate through the various pages of our website. The tabs towards the left are the main projects our website is based around, while the dropdowns towards the right are lab based projects with info about the individuals responsible for contributing to our website. Simply click the main tabs to explore. You can also find more info about contributions below on the rest of the ReadMe file.

[How to Contribute]

On our main monkey help page, you will find various ways to contribute. This includes info about the species at risk as well as links to websites from exprts much more informed than we are. If you visit these tabs, you can help simply by learning more and spreading awareness of these issues. However if you truly care about the cause, we also have links to charities based solely on protecting these species. You can also help US directly by contacting us through our githubs seen below and giving suggestions on how to improve our website so that we can reach a greater audience.

Scrum Board

Insights with Contributors and Commits

Kurtis, Nathan, and Jackson Journal

Colin and Everitt Journal


Name Github Profile Assigned Tasks Scrum Board Commits
Nathan Shih @NathanShih04 Tasks Scrum Board Commits
Colin Howard @KoolKidKai Tasks Scrum Board Commits
Everitt Cheng @NinjaBreadLord Tasks Scrum Board Commits
Kurtis Kwan @Naevey Tasks Scrum Board Commits
Jackson Golding @K3wl-AidMan Tasks Scrum Board Commits

Time Table

N@tM Presentation and Walkabouts

Task Evidence
Nathan Individual Doc
Colin Individual Doc
Jackson Individual Doc
Everitt Individual Doc
Kurtis Individual Doc

Individual Final Videos (Part 1)

Name Video Link Scrum Team Scores and Comments
Everitt Cheng Doc with Scores and Comments
Kurtis Kwan Doc with Scores and Comments
Nathan Shih Doc with Scores and Comments
Colin Howard Doc with Scores and Comments
Jackson Golding Doc with Scores and Comments

Sprint 7,8 Week 8


Task Evidence
Nathan: Created a Turtle Image Carousel that can flip through different pictures Ticket
Colin: Created turtle clicker Ticket
Jackson: Created the navbar for the monkey reaction test and helped create that page Ticket
Everitt: Worked on Monkey Reaction Test Ticket
Kurtis: Changed website icon. Ticket

Key features planned for N@tM

Sprint 7,8 Week 7

Video and Review Ticket


Task Evidence
Nathan: Worked on Signed and Unsigned Addition Ticket
Colin: Worked on Logic Gates mini lab Ticket
Jackson: Created shift left and right on binary page Ticket
Everitt: Created Unicode column on the Binary clicker page Ticket
Kurtis: Worked on Color Codes Ticket

Sprint 5,6 Week 6


Task Evidence
Nathan: Fixed binary bit conversion , Manipulated images (Implemented blur and color inversion on RGB lab) Ticket
Colin: Added backend code for turtle clicker, helped on implementing writing messages on images Ticket
Jackson: Created the documentation for the project layout Ticket
Everitt: Worked on implementing gray scale Ticket
Kurtis: Worked on fixing RGB Ticket

Sprint 5 Week 5


Task Evidence
Nathan: Fixing Binary, organized scrum board Ticket
Colin: Edited Readme file Ticket
Jackson: Took notes, edited scrum board and README Ticket
Everitt: Edited RGB page code Ticket
Kurtis: Fixed turtle clicker page Ticket

Sprint 4 Week 4


Category Score
TPT (_ / 3)


Task Evidence
Nathan: Added DOM to AboutMe, edited Scrum Board Ticket
Colin: Edited DOM on AboutMe Ticket
Jackson: Made the turtle clicker tab link to the turtle clicker page. Ticket
Everitt: Worked on time tables and formatting README Ticket
Kurtis: Added Turtle Cursor Ticket

Sprint 3 Week 3


Category Score
TPT (_ / 3)


Task Evidence
Nathan: Edited Readme, organized ScrumBoard, merges and bug fixes Ticket
Colin: Added DOM change (Undress function) Ticket
Jackson: Fixed small bugs with the navbar Ticket
Everitt: Worked on ASCII Ticket
Kurtis: Added Binary Mini Lab Ticket

Sprint 2 Week 2


Category Score
TPT (_ / 3)


Task Evidence
Nathan: Fixed bugs on the navbar and fixed the organization Ticket
Colin: Edited Readme, added Pictures to AboutMe Ticket
Jackson: Worked on About Pages Ticket
Everitt: Worked on About Page and added images Ticket
Kurtis: Fixed Mini-Lab Pages Ticket

Sprint 1 Week 1


Category Score
TPT (_ / 3)


Task Evidence
Nathan: Took Notes, organzied scrum board Ticket
Colin: Took Notes, organized ReadMe Ticket
Jackson: TookNotes, edited source code Ticket
Everitt: Took Notes, bug fixes on source website Ticket
Kurtis: Took Notes, edited source code Ticket