This project provides tactile simulation on the isaacgym platform and is managed uniformly through point clouds and six dimensional forces, which can be used as input together with camera point clouds.
At the same time, this simulation supports different robot systems
Some dependencies can be installed by
pip install -r ./requirements.txt
Our framework is implemented on Isaac Gym simulator, the version we used is Preview Release 4. You may encounter errors in installing packages, most solutions can be found in the official docs.
Install pointnet++ manually.
cd {the dir for packages}
git clone --recursive
cd Pointnet2_PyTorch
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
Finally, run the following to install other packages.
# make sure you are at the repository root directory
pip install -r requirements.txt
Google Drive Link:
Tensorboard logdir :/run
For env modify this file : cfg/task/xxxx.yaml
numEnvs : 512+
obs_type: ["oracle"]
For algo modify this file: cfg/train/sac/sac_xxxx.yaml
load_iter: when rl model saved
python3 --task xxxx --algo sac --headless
For testing:
python3 --task xxxx --algo sac --headless --test
For env modify this file : cfg/task/xxxx.yaml
numEnvs : 16+
obs_type: ["oracle","tactile","pointcloud"]
Other config files are the same as RL
python3 --task xxxx --algo custom --headless
For testing:
python3 --task xxxx --algo custom --test --headless