Open utterances-bot opened 1 year ago
[x] .5 point: Have a working HTML code cell in a notebook based on the wireframe representation provided under HTML hacks (HTML Hack)
[x] .5 point: Have a working javascript code cell in a notebook based on the instructions provided under data types hacks (Data Types Hack)
[x] .5 point: Have a working javascript code cell in a notebook which modifies elements in the first HTML code cell hack or another HTML code cell based on the same wireframe representation (DOM Hack)
[x] .5 point: Have a working javascript code cell in a notebook based on the instructions provided in the javascript hack (Javascript Hack)
[ ] .5 point: Have code cells in a notebook which shows the corrections made to the first three code cells in the 1.4 correcting errors page (Correcting Errors Hack)
Reviews and Scoring:
[ ] 1 point: Have all of the different notebooks and cells made working in their own individual GitHub Pages with utterances and reviewers comments
[ ] .5 point: Make a summary review ticket based on the Total Test and utterances. Have a total of the other people’s scores that they collaborated with on the test
The review text is a comprehensive overview of key JavaScript and HTML concepts. It's well-structured, making it easy for readers to grasp these fundamental concepts. The use of clear explanations and bullet points makes complex topics easier to understand, making it a valuable resource for both beginners and experienced developers. You met the requirements my having the links switch, the wireframe matches, and your js code seems to be functioning well. Overall. I really like your Review Ticket Nathan! 4/4 - You met the requirements.
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An introduction to key topics in Web Programming