Nathaniel633 / student

MIT License
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Project and Objective

For Student as a repository

My Student repository is a clone of the nighthawkcoders' student repository. This repository was mainly used for planning projects, creating personal contributions to group projects, personal projects, and fun little side projects, as well as the use of the notebook feature to document my projects and learning in this course with weekly plans. Later on in the course, we used utterances to peer grade and offer feedback to each other prior to teacher review. We also took advantage of github issues to create writeups for certain projects, showcasing the process of planning a project, the development process, all the way to the deployment and live site. In this repository you'll find a collection of the projects that I've worked on which taking the AP Computer Science Principles course at Del Norte and working with a variety of groupmates.


The intended use of my repository

As it is primarily notebook based, my project can be used to view my work in this course and how I progressed as a coder and programmer, from creating a functioning timer with a visualizer that I partially copied off the web, to creating a fully functioning gymnastics judger that I apply to my gymnastics training to make my training more efficiently. You can view my site as a timeline as I have it organized through weeks throughout the 36 weeks of the school year. You can also look at the image I created on the first day of school about myself, and through my account system, you can have a personalized experience.


The specific projects I've worked on during AP Computer Science Principles course and Data Structures


Other people I have collaborated with (not directly contributing to this repository)

This course is highly structured around groupwork, so this year I have gotten used to working with a number of different people. The following people are those of whom I've directly collaborated with during this school year: Rayyan Darugar, Daniel Choi, Aidan Lau, Will Bartelt, Grayson Guyot, Jason Gao, Arushi Pandley, Ellie Rozenkrants, Anusha Khobare, Ananya Asudani, and Cindy Liang.

Other repositories:

The following are other repositories I worked on in a group setting, but are all tied to me in some way

My contacts