NationalSecurityAgency / lemongraph

Log-based transactional graph engine
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LemonGraph is a log-based transactional graph (nodes/edges/properties) database engine that is backed by a single file. The primary use case is to support streaming seed set expansion - something along the lines of:

  1. Create new graph
  2. In client code, initialize log position bookmark: pos = 0
  3. Inject seed data into graph
  4. Starting at log position pos, query graph for desired patterns
  5. Process returned results
  6. Update client log position bookmark pos = nextID (either txn.nextID or via http header: X-lg-maxID + 1)
  7. Inject new data into graph
  8. Goto step 4

The core of the graph library is written in C, and the Python layer adds friendly bindings, a query language, and a REST service. LemonGraph rides on top of (and inherits a lot of awesome from) Symas LMDB - a transactional key/value store that the OpenLDAP project developed to replace BerkeleyDB.


Using PyPy 6.0 and stock CentOS 7 Python 2.7.5, under a single transaction (3.4ghz i7-4770, plenty of RAM):

Test Description Disk usage
T1 insert 1 million nodes 108mb
T2 add a property on each node 157mb
T3 add 1 million random edges 292mb
Test T1 (time) T2 (time) T3 (time) T1 (rate) T2 (rate) T3 (rate)
Python 2.6.9 23.915s 8.622s 16.787s 41.8k/s 116.0k/s 59.6k/s
Python 2.7.5 17.238s 5.443s 18.164s 58.0k/s 183.7k/s 55.1k/s
Python 3.5.5 12.159s 5.322s 15.434s 82.2k/s 187.9k/s 64.8k/s
Python 3.7.0 11.740s 5.119s 15.235s 85.2k/s 195.4k/s 65.6k/s
PyPy2 6.0 3.730s 2.145s 6.863s 268.1k/s 466.1k/s 145.7k/s
PyPy3.5 6.0 5.117s 2.294s 8.815s 195.4k/s 435.8k/s 113.4k/s


Symas LMDB provides transactions, multi-process MVCC abilities (single writer, multiple non-blocking readers), nested write transactions, and rapid non-blocking binary snapshots. We also inherit some caveats:

The graph library on top supports:


The Python wrapper provides a friendly interface:


Python setup

Note that the REST service cannot run on CentOS 6's Python 2.6, as we rely on the new memoryview magic.

Python 3 should work now though - replace python/pypy/easy_install and package names with appropriate Python 3 variants.

LemonGraph installation

Or to run without proper installation, you must manually install dependencies:

Python Example

import LemonGraph
import os
import sys
import tempfile

fd, path = tempfile.mkstemp()

# open graph object
g = LemonGraph.Graph(path)

# enter a write transaction
with g.transaction(write=True) as txn:
    # create a couple of nodes
    node1 = txn.node(type='foo', value='bar')
    node2 = txn.node(type='foo', value='baz')

    # create an edge between them
    edge1 = txn.edge(src=node1, tgt=node2, type='foo', value='foobar')

    # set some properties
    node1['prop1'] = 'propval1'
    node2['prop2'] = 'propval2'
    node2['prop3'] = 'propval3'
    edge1['prop4'] = 'propval4'

    # set a graph property
    txn['thing1'] = 'thing2'

    # print out nodes and edges
    for n in txn.nodes():
        print n

    for e in txn.edges():
        print e

    b4_delete = txn.lastID

    # delete a property
    del node1['prop1']

    # delete a node - cascades to edges and properties

with g.transaction(write=False) as txn:
    # run an ad-hoc query before delete
    print "ad-hoc query: nodes before deletions"
    for chain in txn.query('n()', stop=b4_delete):
        print chain

    # run an ad-hoc query
    print "ad-hoc query: nodes after deletions"
    for chain in txn.query('n()'):
        print chain

    # run streaming queries
    print "streaming query: nodes/edges"
    for q, chain in txn.mquery(['n(prop3)','e()','n()->n()'], start=1):
        print q, "=>", chain

    # dump the internal graph log to stdout
    print "dump:"

# delete graph artifacts from disk


Query a (potentially active) graph interactively:

Snapshot a (potentially active) database:

REST Service

Run the REST service (use -h to list options):

The rest service maintains an indexed cache of basic graph information. Every N milliseconds (-d option), it will check for and flush updated graphs to disk.

For greater throughput, use -s at the expense of possible data loss in the event of OS/hardware/power-related failure.

By default, it will run:

Query Language

This query language is designed to query for arbitrarily long node-edge-node chains in the graph, and supports two querying styles:

Note that in streaming mode, nodes and edges are captured as soon as they match the required filters. Any additional properties that are added later will not be present in the results.

A query pattern must specify at least one node or edge, but many may be chained together:

Results are returned as chains (lists) of the requested nodes and/or edges.

Arrow heads may be added to perform directed queries, and nodes or edges may be inferred. Inferred components are not included in the result set. To manually omit non-inferred components, prepend an 'at' sign to the node or edge token. These two queries are identical:

By default, nodes and edges must be unique in a returned chain. To suppress that for a given slot in the query pattern, upper-case the node/edge token:

To filter (and potentially accelerate) queries, a list of property filters may be provided inside the parenthesis for nodes and edges in the query:

Property filters must specify at least a key, and optionally an operator with value[s].

Simple keys (consists entirely of 'word' characters, may not start w/ digit) may be specified as barewords, or otherwise be quoted. Nested keys for objects are supported - separate key components by unquoted dots.


Bare keys:

Comparison operators:

All remaining operators:

Equality (=), values can be:

Regular expression (~) (python flavored, in perl-style notation):

Value type (:):

Example queries:

Aliases and additional filters:

One or more additional filters may optionally be appended to a query pattern. The contents of each filter are effectively merged with the target node[s]/edge[s].

Indexing is one-based:

Bareword aliases are supported as well - an alias can refer to one or more nodes or edges, and additional filters can be attached via the alias:

Internally, aliases are case-folded, but if either the alias or the additional filter in the query contains upper case characters, it is an error for the other not to be present.



Implementation Details

LMDB is an MVCC transactional key/value store (btree) and supports the concept of sub-tables. We use several tables to accomplish our goals:

Together, these provide an on-disk hash table for byte sequences - records in these tables are never deleted or updated:

Actual graph data is stored in a log - records are never deleted, but a numeric field is updated in the event of deletion or property value update:

Track stats for write transactions that grow the log:

To provide speedy operations, graph data is indexed several ways (we reserve the right to add more) - records are never deleted or updated:

We also provide a non-logged domain/key => value storage interface. Domains are mapped to IDs using the above scalar storage, and keys and values can be as well. Mapping keys and/or values can result in less overall storage, but anything mapped never truly goes away. For non-mapped keys, maximum key length is limited to about 500 bytes. Unlike the others, deletes may be performed against this table: