NationalSecurityAgency / qgis-latlontools-plugin

QGIS tools to capture and zoom to coordinates using decimal, DMS, WKT, GeoJSON, MGRS, UTM, UPS, GEOREF, ECEF, H3, and Plus Codes notation. Provides external map support, MGRS & Plus Codes conversion and point digitizing tools.
GNU General Public License v2.0
300 stars 106 forks source link
capture dms ecef epsg geohash geojson georef h3 latitude longitude mgrs plugin pluscode qgis ups utm wgs84 wkt

Lat Lon Tools Plugin

Lat Lon Tools makes it easy to capture, zoom to coordinates, convert coordinates in text fields into new point layers, export point geometry into text fields, and interact with other on-line mapping tools. It adds MGRS, Standard UTM, UPS, Geohash, GEOREF, Plus Code (Open Location Code), WKT, EWKT, JSON, and ECEF coordinate support to QGIS. When working with Google Earth, Google Maps or other on-line mapping tools, coordinates are specified in the order of 'Latitude, Longitude'. By default Lat Lon Tools uses the standard Google Map format, but is very flexible and can use virtually any projection and coordinate format for input and output. The following tools are available in Lat Lon Tools.

Lat Lon Tools Plugin

Here are the expanded Copy Extents to Clipboard menu items.

Lat Lon Tools Plugin

Some of the functions can be accessed from the Lat Lon Tools toolbar. If for some reason the toolbar is missing, select the menu item View->Toolbars and make sure Lat Lon Tools Toolbar is enabled. The conversion algorithms can be run from the QGIS Processing Toolbox.

Lat Lon Tools toolbar

A number of the conversions can be accessed as field calculator functions. When in the Field Calculator find and expand the Lat Lon Tools menu. Clicking on each entry will give a description of the funciton with sample usage.

field calculator


The CRS and coordinate order are set independently for the coordinate capture, zoom to, and multi-zoom to tools. Be careful when setting one of these settings, that you check the rest to make sure that they are set correctly for your needs.

Capture & Display Settings

Capture and Display Settings

There are 7 capture projections/formats that can be selected from the CRS/Projection of captured coordinate drop down menu. They are as follows.

Additional coordinate formatting can be specified with WGS 84 (Latitude & Longitude) Number Format.

For Other CRS number format such as Project CRS or Custom CRS the coordinate formatting options are:

The order in which the coordinates are captured is determined by Coordinate order (Not used with MGRS, UTM, UPS, WKT, GeoJSON & Plus codes) and are one of the following:

Zoom to Settings

Zoom to Settings

The Zoom to Latitude, Longitude tool accepts the following input coordinates as specified by Zoom to Coordinate Type:

The order in which the coordinates are parsed in the Zoom to Latitude, Longitude tool is specified by Zoom to Coordinate Type and has the following two options: This is not applicable for WKT, GeoJSON, MGRS, Plus Codes, and Standard UTM coordinates.

Use Persistent Marker - If this is checked, then when you zoom to a coordinate a persistent marker is displayed until you exit, zoom to another location, or click on the Clear marker button.

Show coordinate resolution area - Some coordinate formats represent an area rather than a point depending on its resolution. These include Geohash, H3, Plus Codes, and Maindenhead. If this is checked, then when you zoom to a coordinate the area represented by the coordinate is displayed until you exit, zoom to another location, or click on the Clear marker button.

External Map Settings

External Map Settings

You can Select an External Map Provider for Left Mouse. The options are:

Select an External Map Provider for Right Mouse has the same set of options. These correspond to the left and right mouse buttons.

Map Hints are desired attributes you would like to see in the resulting map.

Enable the following if a temporary marker is desired to be displayed at the location click on:

Add additional external map providers allows the user to add their own map providers by specifying a URL with latitude, longitude, and zoom level defined by the variables {lat}, {lon}, and {zoom}. For example the URL for Open Street Map would be entered as:{zoom}/{lat}/{lon}. The button Add Provider adds a new service. Delete Provider deletes the selected provider. Once added the map providers will appear in the left and right mouse external map provider menus.

Multi-location Zoom Settings

Multi-location Zoom Settings

These are settings for the Multi-location zoom dialog box.

CRS/Projection of input coordinates

The user sets the CRS/projection of the coordinates in the Enter coordinate text box. By default this is set to WGS 84, latitude and longitude. This has no effect on the coordinates in the Location List that can be read in. The location list must always be WGS 84. The options are:

When Custom CRS is selected, the user is allowed to select a custom CRS projection.

Coordinate Order of input coordinates

The user sets the order of coordinates in the Enter coordinate text box. The order is either latitude followed by longitude (Y,X) or longitude followed by latitude (X,Y). By default the order is "Latitude, Longitude", the format used by Google Maps. This is not applicable when MGRS or Plus Codes coordinates are being used.

Create Vector Layer Style

The user can specify a style when creating a layer from the zoom locations. It can be a simple default style, default with labels, or a .qml style file that contains advanced styling.

The Browse button allows selection of the .qml style file. When a .qml file is selected, Custom is automatically selected as the default style.

Data Field Settings

BBox (Bounding Box Extent) Capture Settings

BBOX Capture Settings

These are the settings for the bounding box capture to clipboard tool.

CRS/Projection of captured bounding box coordinates

Specify whether the captured bounding box will use WGS84 or the QGIS project's projections. The options are:

Format of the captured bounding box specifies the format of the bounding box captured on the clipboard. It can be one of the following formats.

Delimiter between coordinates for non-specific formats - This affects only the first two of the above formats. It is used between coordinates with presets for Comma, Comma Space, Space, Tab, and Other.

BBOX prefix - This text string is added to the beginning of the captured bounding box string.

BBOX suffix - This text string is added to the end of the captured bounding box string.

Significant digits after decimal - This is the precision or number of digits after the decimal in the output coordinates.

Coordinate Conversion Settings

These are the default settings for the Coordinate Conversion dialog box.

Coordinate Conversion Settings