NativoPlatform / NativoSDK-iOS-SampleApps

NativoSDK iOS Sample Apps
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There are three sample apps available that are each implemented differently to show you a variety of options for how you might integrate with the Nativo SDK:

Infinite Scroll (ObjC) - Uses UITableView in Obj-C to display Nativo ads. Uses Nib files or dynamic prototype cells for ad templates. Articles includes bottom-of-article placement ad unit.
Table View (Swift) - A simple news feed using a UITableView. Uses dynamic prototype cells. Articles included bottom-of-article placement ad unit.
Collection View (Swift) - Uses UICollectionView to display articles. Uses self-sizing dynamic prototype cells. Articles include middle-of-article placement ad unit.
GAM Integration (Swift) - The same codebase as the Table View sample, except integrated with Google Ad Manager platform set to run creatives using a "Nativo tag" that ultimately places a Nativo ad in the feed.


All apps require Cocoapods be installed. From terminal:

cd <app path>
pod install


Please refer to for our complete guide.