NavInfoNC / visual-wrk

Another HTTP load tester. Features HTML based report(including charts), dynamic parameters, etc.
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HTTP load tester. Features HTML based report(including charts), dynamic parameters, etc.

Poi demo

Basic Usage

visual-wrk -c400 -d30s

This runs a benchmark for 30 seconds, and keeping 400 HTTP connections open. Output a log.html in report/ directory.

export WRK_URL=
visual-wrk -c400 -d30s -j data.json --latency

This runs a benchmark for data.json, print detailed latency statistics. Output a log.html in report/ directory.

Benchmarking Tips


git clone
cd visual-wrk/
sudo make install

Command Line Options

-c, --connections: Total number of HTTP connections to keep open with
                   each thread handling N = connections/threads
-d, --duration:    duration of the test, e.g. 2s, 2m, 2h
-i, --interval     request sampling interval
-s, --script:      Load Lua script file
-j, --json         load json data for script
-H, --header:      HTTP header to add to request, e.g. "User-Agent: wrk"
    --latency:     print detailed latency statistics
    --timeout:     record a timeout if a response is not received within
                   this amount of time.


Visual-wrk is a secondary development project based on WRK and adds Jansson library.

Please consult the NOTICE file for licensing details.

More info


