NaverPayDev / nurl

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NURL is a powerful URL manipulation library that extends the standard URL class. It provides dynamic segment processing and flexible URL creation capabilities.



Basic Usage

import { NURL } from 'nurl'

// Create URL from string
const url1 = new NURL('')

// Create URL from existing URL object
const standardUrl = new URL('')
const url2 = new NURL(standardUrl)

// Create URL from custom options object
const url3 = new NURL({
  baseUrl: '',
  pathname: '/users/:id',
  query: { id: '123', name: 'John' }

// Create empty URL
const url4 = new NURL()

// Using the factory function
const url5 = NURL.create('')

// The factory function also works with options object
const url6 = NURL.create({
  baseUrl: '',
  pathname: '/users/:id',
  query: { id: '123', name: 'John' }

Dynamic Segment Processing

NURL processes dynamic segments in the pathname and replaces them with values from the query object. If a dynamic segment doesn't have a corresponding query value, it remains unchanged in the pathname without any encoding:

const url = new NURL({
  baseUrl: '',
  pathname: '/users/:a/posts/[b]/[c]',
  query: {
    a: '123',
    b: '456',
    format: 'json'

// Output:[c]?format=json

IDN Support

NURL automatically handles Internationalized Domain Names:

const url = new NURL('https://한글.도메인')
console.log(url.hostname) // xn--bj0bj06e.xn--hq1bm8jm9l
console.log(url.decodedHostname) // 한글.도메인 (in human-readable format)


constructor(input?: string | URL | URLOptions)

Dynamic Segments


NURL inherits all properties from the standard URL class:


Important Notes

  1. NURL's setter methods behave differently from the standard URL. They are designed to consider dynamic segment and query parameter replacement functionality.
  2. When created with no arguments, all properties are initialized as empty strings.
  3. When using URLOptions, if a query value corresponding to a dynamic segment is missing, the dynamic segment remains unchanged in the pathname.
  4. Dynamic segments only support the :paramName or [paramName] format.

Differences from Standard URL

  1. Constructor Flexibility: NURL can create a URL from a string, URL object, or custom options object.
  2. Empty URL Creation: NURL can create an empty URL when called with no arguments.
  3. Dynamic Segments: NURL supports dynamic segments in the pathname.
  4. Setter Behavior: NURL's setter methods behave differently from the standard URL, considering dynamic segment processing and query parameter replacement.