Navigation-Games / EasyGecNG

EasyGec replacement for Navigation Games
MIT License
0 stars 0 forks source link


EasyGecNG is a fork of EasyGec, which is in turn a fork of Geco (source). It has been created for Navigation Games, a Boston-based non-profit focused on introducing the sport of orienteering to new audiences, especially school children. Geco was developed by Simon Denier, and EasyGec was developed by Thierry Porret. Thierry has kindly given us permission to use and modify his source code.

Here is a link to a blog post on detailing goals for this project:

Copyright (c) 2023 Thierry Porret, Simon Denier, and Navigation Games.

GecoSI is distributed under the MIT license; some parts are released by SPORTident under the CC BY 3.0 license.

Normal Installation Instructions

If you want to install a pre-built version of this software (i.e. you are not a developer), please visit the release page, and download these dependencies:

1. JRE 8

Developer Installation Instructions

1. Install Dependencies

1. JDK 8

2. Clone the repository

git clone

cd EasyGecNG

3. Test build

./gradlew build

4. Run the App

./gradlew run

5. That's it!

run ./gradlew tasks to list available tasks, including running unit tests and building an output jar. Modify available tasks in app/build.gradle

IDE integration


Simply open the correct folder in the editor. Build/run/debug from terminal, or use the following extensions to get Gradle UI buttons:


  1. Use the "New Project > Get from VCS" button. Put in the url of this git repo.
  2. A popup stating "gradle build scripts found." Click Load Gradle Project
  3. A menu should appear with the available Gradle tasks Double click EasyGecNG > Tasks > application > run
  4. That's it!

Generating Documentation

TODO :) We will use Javadoc

Generating Releases



Manually creating a Release

We need to figure out how to do this. The bundle would ideally include:

Development Guidelines

Good Practices


These are managed automatically by Gradle, but also enumerated here. TODO: Licensing