A Paper fork of henkelmax's Audio Player.
or /cd
to view available commands.plugins/CustomDiscs/musicdata/
, .flac
, or .mp3
format.Downloading Files:
/cd download <url> <filename.extension>
. The link used to download a file must be a direct link (meaning the file must automatically begin downloading when accessing the link). Files must have the correct extension specified. An UnsupportedAudioFileException will be thrown in the server's console if the file extension is not correct (for example when giving a wav file the mp3 extension). Below is an example of how to use the command and a link to get direct downloads from Google Drive./cd download https://example.com/mysong mysong.mp3
Permission Nodes (Required to run the commands. Playing discs does not require a permission.):
to create a disccustomdiscs.download
to download a fileDependencies:
Default Config.yml:
# [Music Disc Config]
# The distance from which music discs can be heard in blocks.
music-disc-distance: 16
# The master volume of music discs from 0-1. (You can set values like 0.5 for 50% volume).
music-disc-volume: 1
#The maximum download size in megabytes.
max-download-size: 50
#Custom Discs Help Page
- "&8-[&6CustomDiscs Help Page&8]-"
- "&aAuthor&7: &6Navoei"
- "&fGit&0Hub&7: &9&ohttps://github.com/Navoei/CustomDiscs"
Default Lang.yml:
prefix: "&8[&6CustomDiscs&8]&r"
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to execute this command."
invalid-filename: "&cThis is an invalid filename!"
no-disc-name-provided: "&cYou must provide a name for your disc."
invalid-format: "&cFile must be in wav, flac, or mp3 format!"
file-not-found: "&cFile not found!"
invalid-arguments: "&cInvalid arguments. &7(&a%command_syntax%&7)"
not-holding-disc: "&cYou must hold a disc in your main hand."
create-filename: "&7Your filename is: &a\"%filename%\"."
create-custom-name: "&7Your custom name is: &a\"%custom_name%\"."
downloading-file: "&7Downloading file..."
file-too-large: "&cThe file is larger than %max_download_size%MB."
successful-download: "&aFile successfully downloaded to &7%file_path%&a."
create-disc: "&aCreate a disc by doing &7/cd create %filename% \"Custom Lore\"&a."
download-error: "&cAn error has occurred while downloading."
now-playing: "&6Now playing: %song_name%"
disc-converted: "&aConverted disc to new format! &fThis is due to changes in newer Minecraft versions which introduced &7JukeboxPlayableComponent&f."