Navoei / CustomDiscs

A Paper plugin to add custom music discs using the Simple Voice Chat API.
MIT License
60 stars 17 forks source link

Custom Discs v3.0 for Paper 1.21

A Paper fork of henkelmax's Audio Player.

Downloading Files:

Permission Nodes (Required to run the commands. Playing discs does not require a permission.):


Default Config.yml:

# [Music Disc Config]

# The distance from which music discs can be heard in blocks.
music-disc-distance: 16

# The master volume of music discs from 0-1. (You can set values like 0.5 for 50% volume).
music-disc-volume: 1

#The maximum download size in megabytes.
max-download-size: 50

#Custom Discs Help Page
  - "&8-[&6CustomDiscs Help Page&8]-"
  - "&aAuthor&7: &6Navoei"
  - "&fGit&0Hub&7: &9&o"

Default Lang.yml:

prefix: "&8[&6CustomDiscs&8]&r"
no-permission: "&cYou do not have permission to execute this command."
invalid-filename: "&cThis is an invalid filename!"
no-disc-name-provided: "&cYou must provide a name for your disc."
invalid-format: "&cFile must be in wav, flac, or mp3 format!"
file-not-found: "&cFile not found!"
invalid-arguments: "&cInvalid arguments. &7(&a%command_syntax%&7)"
not-holding-disc: "&cYou must hold a disc in your main hand."
create-filename: "&7Your filename is: &a\"%filename%\"."
create-custom-name: "&7Your custom name is: &a\"%custom_name%\"."
downloading-file: "&7Downloading file..."
file-too-large: "&cThe file is larger than %max_download_size%MB."
successful-download: "&aFile successfully downloaded to &7%file_path%&a."
create-disc: "&aCreate a disc by doing &7/cd create %filename% \"Custom Lore\"&a."
download-error: "&cAn error has occurred while downloading."
now-playing: "&6Now playing: %song_name%"
disc-converted: "&aConverted disc to new format! &fThis is due to changes in newer Minecraft versions which introduced &7JukeboxPlayableComponent&f."