NayamAmarshe / please

🙏 Please CLI - Minimalistic New Tab Page CLI Tool with a greeting, date and time, inspirational quotes and your personal tasks and to-do list
MIT License
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bash cli command-line gnome-terminal inspiration konsole new page please please-cli python shell tab task-list tasks terminal tool
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🙏 Please - New Tab Page for your Terminal 🙏

Get a beautifully formatted minimalistic new tab page with a greeting, date and time, inspirational quotes, your personal tasks and to-do list everytime you open the terminal with Please CLI.

# [Version 0.3.1 is out now!]( ### Upgrade with `pip3 install please-cli --upgrade` # 📖 Table of Contents - [🚀 Installation](#-installation) - [1️⃣ Method 1](#method-1) - [2️⃣ Method 2](#method-2) - [🚑 Troubleshooting](#-troubleshooting) - [👨‍💻 Commands](#-commands) - [🧰 Additional Optional Configuration](#-additional-optional-configuration) - [🚮 Uninstalling](#-uninstalling) - [❤ Credits](#-credits) # 🚀 Installation ### Method 1: 1. Make sure you have Python 3 installed on your computer. 2. Open your terminal and paste the command below: ```bash pip install please-cli # If you get an error about 'pip not found', just replace pip with pip3. ``` 3. To run **please** everytime you open the terminal: ```bash # FOR BASH echo 'please' >> ~/.bashrc # FOR ZSH echo 'please' >> ~/.zshrc # FOR FISH set fish_greeting please ``` Or if you prefer to run **please** once a day: ```bash # FOR BASH echo 'please daily' >> ~/.bashrc # FOR ZSH echo 'please daily' >> ~/.zshrc # FOR FISH set fish_greeting please daily ``` 4. That's it! Check if `please` command works in your terminal. ### Method 2: 1. Go to the releases section. 2. Download the latest release WHL file. 3. Open terminal and paste the command below: ```bash pip install --user ~/Downloads/please_cli* # If you get an error about 'pip not found', just replace pip with pip3. ``` Change the path of the file if you downloaded it elsewhere. 4. To run **please** everytime you open the terminal: ```bash # FOR BASH echo 'please' >> ~/.bashrc # FOR ZSH echo 'please' >> ~/.zshrc # FOR FISH set fish_greeting please ``` 5. That's it! Check if `please` command works in your terminal. ###### Having trouble with installation or have any ideas? Please create an issue ticket :) # 🚑 Troubleshooting Getting a `command not found: please` error? That means the Python modules installation folder is not in PATH. To fix this: ```bash echo 'export PATH="$PATH:$HOME/.local/bin"' >> ~/.bashrc ``` and restart the terminal. # 👨‍💻 Commands Some of these commands may not be in the latest release. ```bash # Show time, quotes and tasks please # Add a task please add "TASK NAME" # Delete a task please delete # Mark task as done please do # Edit task name please edit # Mark task as undone please undo # Show tasks even if all tasks are marked as done please showtasks # Move task to specified position please move # Toggle Time between 24 hours and 12 hours format please changetimeformat # Change your name please callme "NAME" # Delete all done tasks please clean # Reset all settings and tasks please setup ``` # 🧰 Additional Optional Configuration ![image]( ## Remove Greeting in please's output 1.Navigate to `~/.config/please` 2. Open config.json 3. Change `"diable_greeting": false` to `"diable_greeting": true` (All lowercase). ## Remove Horizontal Line in please's output 1.Navigate to `~/.config/please` 2. Open config.json 3. Change `"diable_line": false` to `"diable_line": true` (All lowercase). ## Remove Quotes in please's output 1.Navigate to `~/.config/please` 2. Open config.json 3. Change `"diable_quotes": false` to `"diable_quotes": true` (All lowercase). # 💻 Local Development 1. To get started, first install poetry: ```bash curl -sSL | python3 - ``` 2. Clone this project 3. `cd` to the project directory and run virtual environment: ```bash poetry shell # OR THIS, IF 'poetry shell' doesn't work . "$(dirname $(poetry run which python))/activate" ``` 4. Install all dependencies: ```bash poetry install ``` - `please` will be available to use as a command in the virtual environment after using `poetry install`. 5. Finally, run the python script with: ```bash python please/ ``` 6. To build a WHL package: ```bash poetry build ``` - The package will be generated in **dist** folder, you can then use pip to install the WHL file. 7. **For Nayam:** Publish the package with: ``` poetry publish -u -p ``` # 🚮 Uninstalling Open your terminal and type: ```bash pip uninstall please-cli ``` and also edit your **.zshrc** or **.bashrc** file and remove the line that says `please` at the end of the file. # ♥ Credits - Thanks to @CodePleaseRun & @guedesfelipe for their contributions. - Thanks to @lukePeavey for the quotes.json file taken from #

Made by TGS963 and NayamAmarshe with ⌨ and 🖱